Will the Temple Mount Collapse During Ramadan?

Yesterday the prime minister was asked to decide, in a secret meeting, in the matter of the southern part of the Temple Mount wall, due to fear that the Temple Mount will collapse when...

Covering Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman’s Press Conference in Tel Aviv

(Tel Aviv) December 29, 2002 Senator Joseph Lieberman made his final appearance in the middle east in a small press briefing that occurred near the US embassy in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, December 29,...

A Tribute to Ilan Ramon’s Legacy

In 1981, IAF Col. Ilan Ramon flew one of the F-16 jets that blew up the Iraqi nuclear reactor in Osirak. In so doing he saved the country and perhaps the entire world from...

The PR debacle of the Israeli Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria, Katif and Golan

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella arm of the organized Jewish community in the US, has scheduled a debate on the subject of Israel's settlement policies for their annual conference which is...

When Massacres Are Not Noticed Because There is a National Unity Government in Israel

For those who don't understand the importance of a National Unity Government in Israel, the Belgium Supreme Court provided the explanation. Belgium does not know that approximately 10 years after Sabra and Shatila a massacre...

Fighing a US Policy of a Road Map “Not Open to Negotiation”

Sure, at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convention they applauded Colin Powell when he said that settlement activity should be stopped. It is natural that among the 3,000 delegates there were a...

The Full Arabic Version of the Palestinian State Constitution

Read and print out the Palestinian State Constitution in Arabic in PDF format.

Why does the US Nurture the Creation of an Islamic Terror State

For the past three months, I have asked the US government a fundamental question which has generated no response from the US government, despite numerous requests from the US press offices at the US...

Sixteen Reservations Concerning the Geneva “Understandings”

The following is based on the text of Yossi Beilin's Geneva Accord as obtained by Haaretz. A key feature of Beilin's "Geneva Accord" is its anarchic rush to drop supervision (supervision to prevent the smuggling...

Dedicating this issue of Israel Resource Review to Honor the memories of two US...

Today's issue of Israel Resource Review is dedicated to the memory of two US diplomats, murdered in Khartoum thirty-one years ago today, at the direct order of Yassir Arafat. The evidence is in. Will justice...