A Kassam missile Passover in the Negev

Worldwide media only fleetingly reports about the current Arab uprising in Gaza that has unleashed a hail of Kassam rockets against Israel. These projectiles currently have a range of up to 10 kilometers, putting at...

U.S. Teen Recovering From Blast: Abbas’s Deputy Praises the Attack

Daniel Wultz, a 16 year old Florida teenager who was severely wounded in the April 19th Tel Aviv terror attack in which nine people were murdered, has woken up from a coma and officials...

Do Israelis Purposefully Mislead Bush About Abbas’s “Referendum”

Two weeks ago, I was present when a major official of the Israeli Foreign Ministry briefed his guests with what he described as the "optomistic" report that Abbas was proposing a new peace initiative,...

The Harmless Children of Hezbollah?: A German Perspective

Germans are squabbling about whether Israel's military strikes against Lebanon are justified. But how else can Israel defend itself against Hezbollah rockets? By staging sit-down protests along the Israeli-Lebanese border, perhaps? Should Israel stop defending...

Analysis: Now is the time for a better use of air power

A hard and fast rule of war is that the use of ground forces in urban combat is directly related to loss of life. In Gaza, the IDF has somehow learned to go in...

‘No Cease-Fire’ Until Hezbollah Disarmed

Israel will not agree to a cease-fire in Lebanon until Hezbollah is completely disarmed and no longer can operate as a militia force, top Israeli officials said today. Their statements upped the ante in the...

What is “Disproportionate”?

"It must surely be true that the level of lies and hypocrisy that a society can tolerate is in direct proportion to the degeneration of that culture. Personally I am not particularly pro or...

Hizbullah Fire Paralyzed Israeli Units: Anatomy of the Battle with Hizbullah

The 20 soldiers from Israel's elite Golan Brigade moved through the darkness over the rocky hills of Lebanon until they arrived at the outskirts of this Shi'ite town that until last month contained 35,000...

Commentary on Post-Ceasefire Israel

Friday night a commando unit from Sayeret Matkal (General Staff Reconnaissance Unit) executed an operation in Baalbek, in the Bakaa Valley; the IDF says it thwarted the transfer of weapons from Syria to Hezbollah....

U.S. Military Analysts See Hizbullah Gains

Leading U.S. military analysts have determined that Hizbullah achieved major gains in its 33-day war with Israel. The analysts, including some who serve as consultants to the Defense Department, have concluded that Israel's military failed...