U.S. Government delaying provision of evidence against Olmert

Yediot Ahronot correspondent Tova Tzimuki reports today that the U.S. Justice Department has already delayed approving the opening of financial and legal records relating to the Israeli investigation of Talansky and the transfer of...

Antisemitism Embedded in British Culture

Antisemitism has been present in Great Britain for almost a thousand years of recorded history. In the twelfth century, Catholic medieval Britain was a persecutory society, particularly when it came to Jews. It pioneered...

Jesse Helms and July 4th

John Adams our second President, and Thomas Jefferson our third were lifelong rivals who loved this country they served with every ounce of their being, so much so that the coincidence of the date...

USCIRF Urges Denial of U.S. Visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 8, 2008 Contact: Judith Ingram, Communications Director, (202) 523-3240, ext. 127 communications@uscirf.gov USCIRF Urges Denial of U.S. Visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi WASHINGTONâ€"The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom urges the...

Obama Visits Sderot

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, accompanied by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, visited the shell-shocked Israeli city yesterday. He met with city Mayor Eli Moyal and family...

Israeli Legislators Confront The UN: REPLACE UNRWA WITH UNHCR

Today, an unusual coalition of conservative and liberal factions, which usually war with each other, formed in the Israeli Knesset. A broad-based coalition of Israeli legislators called a packed press conference at the Israeli parliament...

The Palestinian Perspective on the American Election

Posting: November 4, 2008 "A Report That Matters" If it's not too late... in case it makes a difference. I had to run this. According to YNET, Al Ahkbar, a Lebanese daily, is running the following story...

More Gaza Rocket Attacks On The Western Negev

Eight Qassam rockets were fired at communities in the Western Negev's Eshkol Regional Council yesterday morning. There were no reports of injuries, but several houses were damaged. Residents of the Eshkol Regional Council were ordered...


The city of Hebron, approximately 20 miles south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills, has been linked to the Jewish people from time immemorial. It is, after Jerusalem, the most sacred city for the...

Hamas Attacks Israel Air Force Bases

The Middle East Newsline has uncovered that Hamas has succeeded in striking Israeli Air Force (IAF) bases. Israeli military sources have confirmed that Hamas struck at least two air force bases within a 35-mile vicinity...