The goals and significance of Hamas’s new political document

1. On May 1, 2017, Hamas published a political document entitled “A Document of General Principles and Policies” (hereinafter: the “Political Document”). This document, which includes 42 sections, was published on the Hamas website...

From Time Immemorial, Summary of Chapter 1: The Puzzle’s Extra Pieces

Introduction Joan Peters’ book, published in 1984 and 7 years in the making, began as a sympathetic investigation into the reasons why the Palestinians have remained refugees since the Israeli War of Independence in 1948....

Did Israel Inject “AIDS” to Palestinian Children?

Israel cannot allow the Palestinian Authority's incitement methods to go unchecked. Nabil Ramlawi, the PLO's representative in Geneva, apologized last week to the UN Committee on Human Rights for the libelling the Israeli government, and...

Obama’s November Surprise

There is growing speculation that President Obama will spring a diplomatic surprise on Israel during the interregnum between the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 8 and his departure from office in January. Some say the...

Why I’m Moving to Israel

When I tell people I spent the last year of my life studying abroad in Israel (search), they usually look at me funny and respond politely. When I tell them I'm planning to move there...

Tragic Deal of The Century

The Jerusalem Post of May 20, 2019 quotes US Middle East envoy Jarred Kushner as declaring that “The Palestinian people, along with all people in the Middle East, deserve a future with dignity and...

Video: Terrorist murders Israeli actor [Abbas insists free him] Video from performance of actor Brovovsky (he is playing the Arab in the scene) Actor Evyatar Borovsky, a father of five from Yitzhar, was stabbed to death this morning at a bus stop in Tapuach...

UJA-Fed. May Fund Gush Katif Evacuees With government help seen lacking, charity to evaluate...

Acknowledging that a number of families evacuated from Gush Katif in the summer of 2005 may be in need of economic assistance, the leadership of UJA-Federation of New York and the United Jewish Communities...

3,000 Foreign Jihadis to Terrorize Egyptian Opposition? The title of a recent Al Khabar News report declares: "Morsi summons 3,000 jihadis from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Somalia and Iran to be an Islamic army to strike the police and army forces" of...

1701: Tzipi Livni’s Misleading Resolution

With another Israeli election in sight, Tzipi Livni, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, cannot escape her shared responsibility for the outcome of the Second Lebanon War, and in particular the failed UN Security Council...