BESA REPORT: Obama, Israel Likely On A Collision Course

President-elect Barack Obama is expected to have a rocky relationship with Israel, according to an academic research study published in the wake of the November 4 presidential election. A report from the Israel-based Bar Ilan...

Panic Returns To The Western Negev

Over the weekend, approximately 20 Qassam rockets, Grad rockets and mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip at communities in the southwestern region of Israel. Most of the rockets were fired on Friday,...

Hezbollah Triples Its Strength

Ehud Barak, Israel's defense minister, expressed alarm Tuesday at Hezbollah's apparent growth as a threat to the Jewish state. "Hezbollah's strength at present is triple its strength at the end of the Second Lebanon War,"...

“Angst and Resolution”

From the start of this war, I was determined not to criticize the government, as long as it proceeded to do the right thing -- never mind that our actions in our self-defense were...

Sderot Challenge

Many countries' responses and reactions to the current fighting of the Arab-Israeli conflict are more or less to condemn Israel's military actions inside the Gaza Strip. These responses paint the picture that the only...

New Arab Member of Knesset praises Iran’s nuke quest

New Balad MK Haneen Zuabi, the first woman to be elected to the Knesset as a representative of an Arab party, has welcomed Iran's growing influence on Palestinian affairs and praised Iran's quest for...

Unanswered Question to JTA: Will JTA portray situation of 550.000 Jews affected by the...

Following President Obama's demand that Israel cease construction in any Jewish comunity beryond the 1949 cease fire lines, the JTA has launched a series of articles on the people affected by this draconian demand . JTA began...

The Anger, Angst, Anguish and Frustrations of an Israel Advocate “If Israel is such an “oppressive, racist, apartheid state,” then it would be logical to assume that the Arabs should be eagerly lining up to emigrate to any of the 21 nations of the...


Jerusalem, Israel; Dan Margalit, one of Israel’s leading news commentators, recently observed that “Holocaust deniers are out, anti-Semites and Jew-haters are in” This week, a leading journalist from Holland claimed that who said Jews are...

Gaza Tunnels Significantly Increase In 2009

The Middle East Newsline reports and confirms that the Hamas regime has approved a huge increase in the number of smuggling tunnels from the Gaza Strip to neighboring Egypt. Palestinian sources said tunnels that span...