Nationalism, Social Justice, and Civil Rights: Palestinian Discourse on the Social Networks, April 2012 With a lack of consensus in the Palestinian camp on various issues and numerous obstacles to the two main political processes - the political process with Israel and internal Palestinian reconciliation - social network...

What the Palestinians Want The Palestinians want the US to endorse all their demands and force Israel to give them everything. Palestinians are reminded almost every day that the US, which has been providing them with billions of...

At the Knesset tomorrow: How Will British Jewry Cope with UK Protected Hamas in... On Tuesday, the Knesset sub-committee on “Ties with the Jewish World” chaired by MK Einat Wilf will convene at 1PM at the Knesset to discuss the current anti-Israel climate in the UK, in the...

The End of the Beginning in Syria: The Obstacles to Reaching a Negotiated Settlement Following the recent downing of a Turkish reconnaissance jet by Syrian anti-aircraft, the international community, this time through NATO, is once again debating what course of action should be taken with respect to Syria....

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Long Game Mursi delivers a speech during a ceremony in which the military handed over power to him. (Courtesy Reuters) n the 18 months since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood has risen swiftly from...

Nasrallah to place Hezbollah at al-Assad’s disposal – Report Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat- A report in Lebanon’s “al-Joumhouria” newspaper revealed that “following the confirmed assassination of four Syrian officers, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah contacted Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, offering his condolences and enquiring about...

Egypt Searches For Al Qaida Squads

CAIRO -- Egypt has been searching for Al Qaida squads in the Sinai Peninsula. Egyptian security sources said large parts of the army and air force have been deployed in Operation Eagle, the counter-insurgency...

UN Blames Israel for Gaza’s ‘Inviable’ Future The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) held a conference on August 27th entitled “Will the Gaza Strip be Viable in 2020?” The conclusion, predictably, was that the Israeli government was fully responsible...

Implementation of the NPT Safeguards : Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions...

This report of the Director General to the Board of Governors and, in parallel, to the Security Council, is on the implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement1 and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions...

Living in the twilight zone

What does it feel like to be surrounded by countries intent on wiping you off the face of the map? How do you cope with daily incitement of hate, challenges to your legitimacy, threats...