The Iranian election: Have the people really won? Supporters of Rohani hold a picture of him as they celebrate his victory in Tehran June 15, 2013. Photo: REUTERS/Fars News/Sina Shiri In elections heralded as being neither free nor fair - with the candidates preselected...

The Folly of Arming Syria’s Rebels As the Syrian civil war grows nastier and nastier, there is a growing consensus among mainstream Western policy analysts that the United States can best combat the growth of jihadist groups battling Syrian president...

Israel Sees MB Fall As Freeing Hamas

Israel's intelligence community has assessed that the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt would push Hamas back into the arms of Iran. Officials said the intelligence community has warned that the ouster of...

July 23, 2013: What Netanyahu Said Before I pick up on my theme for today, I want to share this from a Reuters piece: "Israelis and Palestinians played down on Monday the prospects of their envoys meeting in Washington any time...

What is the actual US State Dept. position on freeing convicted murderers of US... What is the State Department's attitude to governments freeing prisoners who have murdered US citizens? The answer might surprise you. The question is neither rhetorical nor theoretical in our part of the world. There have...

When Media Promotes the Rot of Return Pass the tissues. The Christian Science Monitor breaks out the violins for Palestinian refugees who want to return to the villages they fled years ago. If you’re looking for intelligent discourse on the matter, you’ll...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

This week two incidents took place in which IEDs were used against IDF forces on patrol near the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. In August 2013 an attempted terrorist attack in...

Israel’s Strategic Challenges: The Next Five Years Israel will face a complicated and challenging strategic landscape in the years to come. This, of course, could have been said at any point since 1948. Ever since the Zionist idea took the shape...

“Moderate” Holocaust Denial in Iran? A statement on Holocaust Denial in Iran, presented on September 20th, 2013 at the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust · By Matthias Küntzel Dear Director Schoenberg, dear Jodi Shapiro, Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s not only...

Iran: Peace-Dripping Nuclear Lamb The Middle Eastern Bazaar Russia's Putin calculates his every move, and only goes to war to win. Considering the might of the West balanced against his own weakness, he apparently saw that the smart thing,...