Deep Concern Over Sharon Aide Weisglass Saying 60,000 Jews Will Be Uprooted From Judea...

New York - The ZOA has expressed deep concern that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's top aide, Dov Weisglass, said last week that "Israel could eventually expect that at least 180,000 of the current 240,000...

A Government Devoid of Humanitarian Considerations

Dr. Miriam Billing and Professor Yossi Katz, of the Florsheimer Center for Policy Studies, anticipated the government disregard for the wellbeing of those being removed from their homes because of the "disengagement." They did...

Egypt Sends Troops to Eastern Sinai

CAIRO -- Egypt has sent hundreds of troops to eastern Sinai. Officials said the troops would man the 12-kilometer Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip. They said Israel has agreed to the arrangement. So far,...

1,000 families ‘have no homes to go to’

A leader of the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel charged on Tuesday that only 100 of the 1,700 families evacuated from the West Bank and northern Samaria settlements have found permanent housing...

A “Kadima USA” Policy Statement – June 5th, 2006

As Prime Minister Ehud Olmert makes his first state visit to the United States, it is time for Jews around the world to firmly support his efforts to set defensible borders for the State...

Hamas Strikes Military Position in Israel

For the first time since the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005, Palestinian insurgents from the Gaza Strip have struck a military position in the Jewish state. On Sunday, Hamas and the aligned Popular...

UNRWA: The Perennial Obstacle To Peace

"I'm from Chicago, and I know corruption when I find it!" This is how Congressman Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.) initiated his dissection of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) during a Capital Hill seminar...

Pre-Occupied Israelis Again Quit Gaza, Without Achieving Goals

Israel, which is pre-occupied with Lebanon, pulled most of its forces from Gaza Tuesday morning, both Israel and the Palestinians said, without having achieved Israel's two main goals: The release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit,...

UN Resolution 1701: Analysis

The essence: A ceasefire is called for that requires Hezbollah to cease all hostilities and Israel to cease offensive attacks. The Lebanese army is to send 15,000 troops into southern Lebanon; the Lebanese are to...

Rockets and Abductions Planned by Palestinians

The Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas continues efforts to assemble rockets in the West Bank. Israel's military has found a Fatah explosives laboratory and two rockets in the West Bank city...