Iran Drops Bid for Human Rights Council Seat, Eyes Women’s Rights Body Instead

Anne Bayefsky, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and editor of Eye on the U.N., disagreed that the development showed the HRC was becoming a serious agency for promoting human rights. "At the last...

Israel Was Right

Israel Was Right

Losing the Scent in South Lebanon Last week, the IDF released evidence of Hizbullah stockpiling of weaponry in populated civilian areas of southern Lebanon. The IDF material showed an aerial map of the Shi'ite town of El Khiam. The...

U.N. Flotilla Probe: “Even If Bin Laden Himself Were on Ship, Israel’s Blockade Still...

NGO: U.N. Probe Ignored Evidence on Islamist Passengers’ Bid for ‘Martyrdom’ GENEVA, Sept. 28 - The U.N. commission into Israel’s May 31 flotilla clash declared during a U.N. Human Rights Council debate today that “even...

News Analysis: Where Is Israel Now?

With regard to the possibility of face-to-face talks, it's all been a bit nonsensical. Because even if there were talks held, there would be no meeting of the minds. But at this point the...

Political Earthquake in the USA: A Jerusalem Perspective

The November, 2010 mid-term election produced a seismic political effect: The most rapid and wide-in-scope Congressional and Gubernatorial victory since 1948. The outcome of the election repudiates Obama's policies and dramatically erodes his political clout....

News Analysis:

"Tedious" We've been there, done that. Plans for building in Jerusalem east of the Green Line are announced, and the world goes slightly berserk. It is really tiresome. Word from the government here is that 1) these...

The US State Department Will Not Confirm That Any Promises Were Offered to Israel...

On Saturday night, Nov. 13th, 2010, as soon as the Sabbath finished in Jerusalem, The Israel Broadcasting Authority, the IBA, reported that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu convened a special session of the inner Israel...

Initiative: Knesset to Probe Foreign Government Funding of Israeli NGO’s that Lambast the Israeli...,7340,L-4008684,00.html Yisrael Beiteinu says has majority to establish parliamentary inquiry commission to investigate cooperation between international 'anti-Zionist' groups and local organizations The Yisrael Beiteinu party announced Monday that it has submitted a request to establish a parliamentary...

Why Isn’t Obama Pressuring thePalestinians?

For the first time since the Oslo peace process started 18 years ago, Palestinian leaders are openly refusing to negotiate with the government of Israel, and U.S. President Barack Obama's administration is doing very...