Obama’s Odd Response to Iran

Once, a generation ago, we citizens of the “free world” as we were known then, thought ourselves as conducting our lives under an umbrella. The umbrella had a name that inspired awe and respect,...

UN: Israel Must Tear Down West Bank Barrier

In many respects, the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) Advisory Opinion on Israel's security barrier does not deserve to be dignified by a learned rebuttal. The Opinion deserves the same treatment as another shameful...


Translated by ISRAEL NEWS TODAY, a news translation service at the Beit Agron International Press Center in Jerusalerm, Israel

NIF-Funded NGOs: Goldstone’s Building Blocks

http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/nif_funded_ngos_goldstone_s_building_blocks February 09, 2010 NIF-funded groups and their publications were featured centrally in the Goldstone report, which focused on alleged Israeli “war crimes” in the 2009 Gaza war. The report referenced B’Tselem more than 56 times;...

CROSSING THE RED LINE : When an Israeli Arab leader is arrested for espionage

Ben Dror Yemini, Senior Writer at the Maariv Newspaper in Israek, was born in Tel-Aviv , Israel in 1954, on the eve of Passover. Hence the name, Ben Dror: the son of freedom.. He studied...

The Family That Shows Why There Needs to be a Naval Blockade on Gaza:...

Iris Twito, the mother of two sons injured by Qassam rockets in the city of Sderot, decided to grant an exclusive interview with Sderot Media Center, following the Gaza aid flotilla fiasco. "The entire...

CIA Chief Says Al-Qaida is Weaker. True. But So Is U.S., While Revolutionary Islamist...

= July 1, 2010 http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/07/cia-chief-says-al-qaida-weaker CIA chief Leon Panetta says al-Qaida is at its weakest point since before the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. He's probably right, though the amount of decline in the...

How quiet has it really been? A 6 month terror summary

Arab 'policeman' in Hebron One of the questions I frequently hear, is: What's the security situation? As Obama continues to pressure Israel into further concessions, in order to prepare 'direct talks' with our enemy, a.k.a. continued...

News Analysis

Lest anyone have mistakenly imagined that my last posting about hope http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=4180&q=1 (which certainly exists now !) signaled a whole new ballgame, with problems instantaneously diminished on all fronts, I state unequivocally that I...

Israel Minister of Public Diplomacy Yuli Edelstein Receives Postive Reply from Facebook

(Communicated by the Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Spokesman) March 31, 2011 Attached is a letter from Facebook Director of Policy Richard Allan to Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein regarding the latter's 23.2.11 letter http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=4330&q=1 to Facebook...