Incisive Insight into the News in Israel

"The Blessing" Here in Israel, we have just completed the holiday of Shavuot, which -- marking the receiving of the Torah at Sinai -- is the culmination of the Exodus from Egypt celebrated at Pesach....

Terrorist killed on July 10th was Head of Hamas Charity Foundation

Now released for publication: The Palestinian terrorist who shot and wounded an Israeli civilian near the Israeli community of Yaqir on July 7th, 2008, is Mahmoud O'ttaman Mahmoud A'azi, 48, from Qarawat Bani Hassan...

Olmert’s Attempt to Subvert Democratic Process in Talks with Palestinians

"The president of the United States will adopt the wording, the world with adopt it, the European Union, also the Arab world. We can tell the Israeli People that this is what can be...

Report: Iran supplied Hizbullah with advanced missiles

Al-Quds al-Arabi reports missiles can accurately hit targets in Israel, weapons to be used by Lebanese organization in event that Israel or US launch attack against Islamic republic Iran has supplied Hizbullah with advanced missiles...

Israel’s Southern Communities Furious At Gov’t

"The residents of the region will not silently overlook this and will settle accounts with those running for the country's leadership in the upcoming elections," Eshkol Regional Council Chairman Haim Yellin and Shaar Hanegev...

The Cease-Fire In Gaza That Lasted 20 Minutes

During a special session of the Israeli security cabinet that took place yesterday, Israeli officials announced they had taken a positive view toward an Egyptian-French cease-fire proposal. They issued an official announcement stating: "Israel thanks...

Mitchell, A Mideast Envoy With A Tendentious Legacy

Following President Obama's appointment of former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell of Maine as his Middle East envoy, it may be instructive to remember the tendentiousness of George Mitchell's 2001 report titled: "The Mitchell Report on...

U.S. officials skeptical on a demilitarized Palestine,0,3858683.story

Reporting from Washington -- U.S. officials reacted skeptically Monday to an
Israeli proposal that the United States and other world powers guarantee
that a new nation of Palestine remain demilitarized as a condition of its


Where is everyone? Where did all the people who demonstrated against Israel’s brutality in Operation Cast Lead, in the Second Lebanon War, in Operation Defensive Shield, or even in The Hague, when we were...

ATOMIC DOME; Inside the Iranian Nuclear Preparations

Vienna -- Inspectors belonging to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna fear that Iran is trying to conceal forbidden construction in the nuclear reactor being built in Arak. This was said by a...