Final Draft of Bush Road Map Rejects Israeli Demands

In the final version of the road map for an Israeli-Palestinian arrangement, most of the Israeli demands for corrections were rejected,as indicated by an analysis comparing the final document to the Israeli comments. This...

If The Cease Fire Collapses, Israel will Topple the PA

On Wednesday, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz met with Mohammed Dahlan. On July 6, when they met face to face for the first time, Dahlan surprised Mofaz and for the first time presented his conception...

“Demographic threat” Nonexistent

Yonatan Bassi, head of the disengagement administration, justified the pullout plan (in Globes, July 29) by saying that in Gaza, "there used to be 600,000 Arabs. Now there are 1.4 million people there... in...

A Message to Europe

The world is divided into two camps. On one side are those people who see terrorism as a warning of danger ahead. Unless something is done, they say, a catastrophe may happen. On the...

David Bedein Conducts a Smear Campaign

Last week, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston helped lead a community coalition to a great victory for the Boston Jewish community - and for Israel, when Somerville aldermen rejected efforts to...

Acting Out of Faith

Unrealistic. How can I best describe the Jewish residents of Gaza? As unrealistic. Believers. How do the Jewish residents of Gaza describe themselves? As believers. The Jewish community in Gaza today is still living an unrealistic dream. For...

Israeli Position Renders Balfour Declaration Obsolete

Lawyers representing Israel in its bid to defend the vacuation/Compensation Law (the Disengagement Plan), negate the Balfour Declaration as a basis for Jews to settle in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The lawyers made their controversial...

Was Disengagement Plan Formulated to Escape Sharon Corruption Probe? A New Book Provides Fresh...

Two veteran journalists, based on talks with persons very close to the Prime Minister, say that the Disengagement Plan was hatched up simply to avoid Sharon's indictment in the Greek Island scandal. Journalists Raviv Drucker...

And Who Funded the Memorial Book for Shahids? None Other Than the Israel Ministry...

"This book is dedicated to the memory of the families of the holy shahids" One might have expected such a dedication to appear in a book published by Islamic Jihad or Hamas. But surprisingly, this...

Imagine What it Would be Like to Live Under the Threat of Your Community...

Imagine that you live in Israel, which has suffered 25,500 known terror attacks just since 2000, including 6000 mortars that have fallen just on your small section of Gush Katif, and instead of attacking...