When the Israeli gov’t reminds the world of the “road map”, does PM Olmert...

Israel Government meeting about the Prime Minister's statement on the Roadmap Jerusalem, May 25, 2003 A. The Government of Israel, today (Sunday), May 25, 2003, considered the Prime Minister's statement on the Roadmap, as well as...

Israel Lifts Its Blockade On Lebanon

Israel decided today to lift the sea and air blockade that has been in place on Lebanon since fighting erupted in mid-July between Hezbollah and the IDF. The decision to lift the blockade was...

Commentary: the Palestinian “National Unity” Government

PA President Abbas (Fatah) and PA Prime Minister Haniyeh (Hamas) on Monday announced that Hamas and Fatah are going to be forming a national unity government The first step towards formation of this new government...

Danger of “Democracy” in Palestine

The tradition of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, which falls this year on both Saturday and Sunday, is for Jews to engage in reflection, prayer and in communal religious introspection. One year ago this...

Israeli Sources: Hezbollah Reeling From Setbacks American Sources More Skeptical

Reliable Israeli intelligence sources now report that Hezbollah suffered significant setbacks as a result of the Lebanon War, both in terms of its fighting force - one-tenth of which was reportedly killed - and...

Israel Ignores Threats and Resumes Flights over Lebanon

Although the Israeli security establishment is disturbed by the threatening voices that are being heard in France, security sources said Wednesday: "We will continue to fly over the skies of Lebanon." Security establishment officials...


Alex Fishman, the top military intelligence analyst for Israel's leading newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, has provided the public with documentation that Hamas's military industry in the Gaza Strip is preparing to independently manufacture a rocket modeled...

Solidarity in Sderot:Hadassah Unity Mission visits Israeli city weary of relentless rocket fire from...

Of the many stops made by the 58 delegates of the recent "Hadassah is Here" Israel Unity Mission, seeing with their own eyes the mounds of Kassam rockets behind Sderot's Police Headquarters, was a...

Marwan Barghouti: Should he be released from Prison?

On March 21st, 2002 at 4:20 in the afternoon, Mohammed Hasheikah, a 22-year old Palestinian policeman blew himself up on King George Street in downtown Jerusalem, murdering three people, including a young father and...

Is a Palestinian state the Panacea for Peace?

Within many quarters of the N. American community, which in the main prides itself on being moderate, there is still that hope: Maybe, if PA President Mahmoud Abbas can be strengthened, he can take...