UNRWA official threatens to fire employees involved with Palestinian factions

The Gaza head of the UN Agency that aids Palestinian refugees said he will fire employees recently elected to lead its labor union if he finds they are involved with Palestinian political factions. In a...

Will “Demilitarized State” Requirement Have Same Fate As Charter Amendment?

Will the "demilitarized state" red line Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu introduced in his 14 June speech at the Begin-Sadat Center at Bar-Ilan University suffer the same fate as the Palestinian Charter amendment red line in his previous...

Hamas Resumes Extended-Range Rocket Production

Israel's intelligence community has assessed that the
Hamas regime resumed the production of extended-range
missiles and rockets.

“Unity Talks”

[The implications herein are that all terror groups would be united under the roof of one Palestinian regime and sanctioned by the government of Egypt. - David Bedein]

Hamas faces fiscal crisis due to tight restrictions and blockade: sources

http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6890169.html The deposed government of the Palestinian Islamic Hamas movement, which rules the impoverished enclave of the Gaza Strip, faces a severe fiscal crisis due to the lack of financial liquidity and the tight restrictions...

Thin Palestinian NGO narrative about 2 Palestinians killed after attempt to stab soldier

It was a stretch, but the Palestinian PCHR narrative, that fails to seriously address the Israeli accounting of what transpired, still came to the conclusion that Israel should be condemned. #1. What happened: 2 Palestinans killed after attempt...

The Future of an Illusion: A piece of paper will not bring peace to...

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned, it seems, to direct the Middle East policy of the Obama administration. Since the Oslo Accords of 1993, 17 years of efforts under three American presidents and...

Senior Iranian MP: Iran Capable of Blocking Strait of Hormuz

(with thanks to IMRA.ORG.IL for bringing this piece to our attention) News number: 890206158619:27 | 2010-04-26Defence http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8902061586 TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Navy has the capability to block the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf as...

Infantry Needed To Fight Hizbullah: U.S. Report

The U.S. Army has commissioned a study that concluded that conventional ground forces would be required to battle the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. The Rand Corp. has relayed a study to the U.S. Army that analyzed Israel's 2006 war with...