Inconvenient revelations

Very often there are news items that upset conventional thinking and as a consequence, they sink without trace. On the other hand, inconvenient revelations can also result in a re-evaluation of the subjects involved. Three unrelated...

Recent terrorist attacks in Israel undermine ‘prospects for peace’: Guterres

“Such acts of violence can never be justified and must be condemned by all,” he said in a statement issued through his Spokesperson. Tuesday’s terrorist assault on the street in Bnei Brak, a small ultra-Orthodox...

What Motivates an Arab to Murder a Jew

What would cause an Arab to grab an automatic weapon, kill random bystanders, and flee like a jackal into the night? Look no further than the law enacted by the nascent Palestinian Authority which in...

The Condemnation of Terror by Mansour Abbas: Is It Real?

Muhammad Majadla, head of Nas Radio’s news department, Channel 12 commentator, and weekly columnist for Globes, said that “today Ra’am is planning an important speech, they say, by Mansour Abbas in Hebrew and Arabic. On the second evening...

Hysteria is unnecessary, but public pressure is important

A little perspective. In terms of Palestinian terrorism, nothing new or surprising happened last week. It was a spate of incidents. So on one hand, there is no need for a hysterical response, but...

David Bedein asks: will PA/UNRWA indoctrination to war be on the agenda?

Biden Secretly Pushing for PA-Israel Summit The Biden Administration is again pressuring the State of Israel to hold senior-level diplomatic talks with the Palestinian Authority, at the White House, according to a report by the...

(DM Takes 3 Monkeys Role) DM Gantz Speaks with PA Chairman Abbas

(DM Takes 3 Monkeys Role) DM Gantz Speaks with PA Chairman Abbas Dr. Aaron Lerner 5 April 2022 When it comes to DM Gantz's approach with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas it is "see no evil, hear no...

Why does the US place UNRWA funds for education in escrow?

Over the past 10 months. UNRWA has issued crying appeals to the world- claiming poverty, complaining that the US did not deliver funding that the Americans had promised to deliver - earmarked for UNRWA...

The Current Terror Wave in Israel: Main Characteristics and Implications

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 22, No. 6 The recent terror wave of shootings and stabbings in the large Israeli cities of Be’er Sheva, Hadera, and Bnei Brak shows...

Under the radar

If something is flying under the radar it usually means that it is undetected or unseen. That accurately sums up news concerning Israel as far as most of the mainstream media is concerned. On those...