Weekly Commentary: JCPA poll shows Israelis do not think pigs can fly

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59472 Date: 20 December 2012 Typical polls of the Israeli public ask respondents if they would be willing to make concession "x" in exchange for peace. The problem is, of course, that concession "x" isn't in exchange...

The PA is the First Victim of Its Reckless UN Bid

http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=v494e8bab&v= 001Akwh5HY8vpyc1w1s2A32rL9Q3RQmYFVrhED4phA4VTY7UE132 m7S3Erl6QAF96k8O9XI4ZBsD26BrooG_I2o5YMqstfnye3Jypz3bozbPsI%3Dtp:// When the Palestinian Authority (PA) obtained UN recognition as a nonmember observer state in November, many Israelis feared the consequences for Israel: After all, PA President Mahmoud Abbas stated openly that he sought recognition...

Poll: Spike in Palestinian support for military operations against Israel

http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2013/0104/Poll-Spike-in-Palestinian-support-for-military-operations-against-Israel Palestinian support for military operations against Israel has registered its most significant jump in 10 years, spurred by the recent Gaza conflict, ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, and frustration over a peace process that has...

Israeli Checkpoints Stop Terrorists, not Elections

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3695/israeli-checkpoints-palestinian-elections Is it true that Palestinians cannot hold new elections because of Israeli security measures? This is a claim, often made in the U.S., Canada and parts of Europe, is that the Palestinians have not been...

Investigative Journalist’s Scoop: PA Schools Teaching Kids War?

Audio: Investigative Journalist's Scoop: PA Schools Teaching Kids War? http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Radio/News.aspx/4745#.UcRIxjturTp David Bedein, a mild-mannered social worker by training, was once described by former prime minister Yitzchak Rabin as "the biggest pain in the tuchess" for sabotaging...

US AID should place conditions on it’s donation to the Palestinians

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/08/us_aid_should_place_conditions_on_its_donation_to_the_palestinians.html The Jerusalem Post reported in its August 18 edition that the US and the Palestinian Authority signed a $148 million economic aid agreement. Our agency asked PA officials where the money was going. The answer: education,...

Why Israel Is More Secure in 2014 than in 2013

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/12/why-israel-is-more-secure-in-2014-than.html Articles in the Israeli media based on analysis of security in 2014 present a surprisingly optimistic assessment, though not from a U.S. perspective and still with some warnings. Most of the work is by Ron...


The Lawfare Project, www.thelawfareproject.org provided the author of this article with research into appropriate sources of international law. UNRWA shapes the mindset of a new generation of Palestinian youth,.educating 492,000 students in 699 schools. The UN...

Prof. Efraim Inbar: Strategic imperative build homes for Jews in E1,

http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=62779 The Jordan Valley: Israel’s Security Belt by Prof. Efraim Inbar January 6, 2014 BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 232 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel must resist international pressure and hold on to the Jordan Valley - its only...

Study shows Palestinian textbooks rife with incitement

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=16519 A recent study of 150 new Palestinian Authority textbooks used by a U.N. educational body reveal widespread delegitimization of Israel and continued calls to use violence against Jews in Israel. The survey was conducted by...