An Improved Arab Peace Initiative? The Arab Peace Initiative, which was adopted at the Beirut summit in 2002, returned to the diplomatic discourse after an April 29 visit to Washington by an Arab League delegation. Politicians and commentators attributed supreme...

European Official: news of PA misuse of funds based on EU auditors [Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Is something lost in the English translation WAFA provides: #1. "what was reported in the Sunday Times and raised in the media about the existence of corruption and misuse of...

Kerry: Stay home U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned of a return to Palestinian violence and Israel's isolation if the faltering peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians ultimately fail. This is a typical leftist Pavlovian...

Palestinian red line The media reported that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the peace proposals submitted by U.S. Secretary John Kerry. The Palestinians leaked that Abbas sent a letter to Kerry reiterating his complete opposition to...

The Truth Behind the Palestinian Water Libels EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Water shortages in the Palestinian Authority are the result of Palestinian policies that deliberately waste water and destroy the regional water ecology. The Palestinians refuse to develop their own significant underground water...


As part of an effort to malign the State of Israel, the Peace Now movement, funded by the British government and the Norwegian published a report that alleges that Israel has built thousands of...

The U.S. Has Been Speaking To Hamas Through Back Channels For More Than Six... JERUSALEM - United States officials have been holding secret back-channel talks with Hamas over the last six months to discuss their role in the newly formed unity government, according to two senior diplomatic sources...

The Arafat I Knew

Last week Israel seized a boat carrying 50 tons of Iranian-made mortars, long-range missiles and antitank rockets destined for the Palestinian Authority. The vessel, Karim A., is owned by the Palestinian Authority, and its...

Jews in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks in UNRWA Use

Introduction The Palestinian Authority schoolbooks, including those ones in UNRWA use, feature 3 fundamentals in the context of the conflict: 1. De-legitimization of Israel’s existence and the Jews’ very presence in the country, including the denial...

Palestinian Authority Education: No Room for a Two-State Solution

Palestinian Authority schoolbooks feature three fundamentals: De-legitimization of Israel’s existence and the Jews’ very presence in the country, which includes denial of their history and the existence of any Jewish holy places there. Demonization...