Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA: De-legitimization, Demonization and Indoctrination...

Executive Summary This paper deals with the attitude to the Jewish-Israeli "other" and to the issue of peace on the part of Palestinian Authority (PA) schoolbooks used in schools operated by the United Nations Relief...

UNRWA textbooks teach hatred

The Center for Near East Policy Research held a press briefing today that the World Zionist Organization which was meant to provide a glimpse into schools set up by the United Nations Relief and...

Saudis end funding to PA

The Palestinian Authority has been struggling amid a cutoff of funds by Saudi Arabia. Officials said Saudi Arabia halted funding to the PA in April 2016 amid a political dispute. They said the Saudi cutoff...

Hamas leaders meet with Abbas in Qatar, present ‘complete vision’ for reconciliation

Leaders of the Hamas movement announced on Thursday that they had offered Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a “complete vision” to achieving reconciliation between Hamas and the ruling Fatah movement. Hamas politburo head Khalid Mashaal, his...

Game-Changer Abbas UN Speech

The address delivered by Mahmad Abbas, head of the PA & PLO on Sept. 22 at the United Nations General Assembly was a game-changer. The  text of the Abbas speech can be seen at: Abbas stood...

Ask the White House to define: What is “Palestinian Land”?

President Obama delivered an address at the UN on September 20, 2016. During that address. Obama asked Israel not to settle “Palestinian land”. Today, we asked White House Press Spokespeople to define “Palestinian land”. There are five...

The Businesses of Mahmoud Abbas and His Sons

Abu Abbas is not prepared to countenance Muhammad Dahlan as his successor. The PA chairman’s two sons, Tareq and Yasser, own an economic empire in the territories worth hundreds of millions of dollars,...

Education for war

Quite a lot has changed since 1986, when David Bedein took a year off from his social work practice to campaign against the Palestinian propaganda machine’s influence in the media. Today, his mission has been taken...

PA “incentive for killers” reaches beyond money.

Concerning the feature,  "Does Aid to Palestinians Subsidize the Families of Terrorists"? by Naomi Zeveloff, What is missing is the context, which is even more lethal. All official media outlets of the PA elevate those...

Europe, UN Help Palestinians Raise Millions for Suit Against Israeli Occupation

The European Union and United Nations will be using funding dedicated to empowering Palestinian women to fight the occupation of the West Bank by Israel. The EU and the UN created a $2.1 million...