Why the Palestinian treasury is empty – 4 questions

The Palestinian Economy Minister has resigned. The economy itself is reaching yet another crisis point, ostensibly because Israel has withheld nearly US$ 0.5 billion in excise taxes that it collected on behalf of Ramallah. Read...

Killer Allocations:  Funds that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority

When you read this article, do not get an ulcer. Give an ulcer. If you live abroad, contact your local Israeli diplomat. If you live in Israel, make contact with members of the government,...

Palestinians: We Want Democratic Elections, Too

We really envy the Israelis. Our leaders don't want elections. They want to remain in office forever." — Veteran Palestinian journalist from Ramallah. The truth is that neither Fatah nor Hamas is interested in holding...

The Palestinian Authority’s New Economic Strategy

The Palestinian Authority is not content with breaching diplomatic clauses of the Oslo agreements and taking unilateral steps such as turning to the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Court at The...

Israel Discloses Fatah Network

Israel has disclosed a network loyal to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and assigned to destabilize Jerusalem. The Israel Security Agency reported the capture of a cell aligned with the Fatah movement headed by Abbas....

Vindication: After 20 years of Vilification for Reporting the Hamas-PA Armed Collusion, Documentation emerges

This week, the respected Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs issued a policy paper which documented how the PSF, the Palestinian Security Forces, which reports to the Palestinian Authority, has been consistently arming the Hamas...

Palestinian Authority Incitement: The Fatah Facebook Page

Palestinian Authority Incitement: The Fatah Facebook Page (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser) In order to understand the daily Palestinian incitement against Israel, which encourages acts of terrorism, including murder, attached are four photographs which have been...

What the Palestinian Authority Did Not Tell the UN Security Council

By Khaled Abu Toameh What the Palestinians did not tell the Security Council is that the state they seek to establish is one that does not respect public freedoms, first and foremost freedom of expression....

The Shin Bet, the PA and the UN

On Monday, the Shin Bet security agency revealed that it had uncovered a terrorist cell in Judea and Samaria that conspired to mass murder Israelis. The announcement that the plot had been thwarted came...

Arab Bank Convicted as Hamas Supporter

A leading Middle East financial institution, liable to huge damages, has been deemed a supporter of Hamas. In an unprecedented verdict, a federal court jury in New York found the Arab Bank liable for financing...