How/what to write to members of any parliament to demand that funding of UNRWA...

Nov 23, 2016 From: Date: Subject: Your position on an overhaul of the current PA curriculum applied in the US funded UNRWA schools.? To: Mr. or Ms. Office of Senator/Rep/MP... Dear I call your attention to the latest comprehensive report issued this...

This is what Israel should offer Saudi Arabia

What’s clear about the American led effort to bring about a rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia is that it has a secondary agenda that aims to undermine not only our G-d given claim...

Jews in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks in UNRWA Use

Introduction The Palestinian Authority schoolbooks, including those ones in UNRWA use, feature 3 fundamentals in the context of the conflict: 1. De-legitimization of Israel’s existence and the Jews’ very presence in the country, including the denial...

‘The Holocaust Is Justified’: What Syrian Refugees Learn in School

There are perhaps few better ways to gauge the probable socio-cultural attitudes of Syrian nationals currently between the ages of young adulthood and late middle-age regarding Jews and Judaism than by examining the content...

UNRWA’s textbooks

Marcus Sheff’s “Time for UNRWA to face the truth about its textbooks” (Comment & Features, February 18) is correct in its findings that UNRWA books, supplied by the Palestinian Authority, indoctrinate the next generation...

Travesty of Palestinian education

The new school year kicked off in the Palestinian Authority last month, and it was business as usual. The authors of this year's textbooks have made sure to keep up their long tradition of...

US aid to PA education without conditions?

Response to UNRWA Director of Education on World Teachers’ Day

In a letter to UNRWA's teachers on UNESCO's World Teachers' Day, October 5, 2020, Dr. Caroline Pontefract, UNRWA's Director of Education, speaks of UNRWA's commitment "to ensure that each and every Palestine refugee student...

Lehrinstruktionen des UN-Palästinenser-Hilfswerks verbreiten Hass

Im Gegensatz zu den USA will Europa trotzdem weiter für die UNWRA zahlen, obwohl diese gegen die UN-Standards für Friedenserziehung verstößt. Der Arabist Dr. Arnon Groiss, vorher bei Israels öffentlich-rechtlicher Hörfunkanstalt Kol Israel, heute bei der Israel...

Confirmed – US Congressional GAO investigation of PA texts taught in UNRWA schools completed:...

A journalist and constituent of Sen. James Risch (R-IDAHO), the chairman of the US Senate Near East Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee asked the GAO (Government Accountability Office) the status of the...