Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks

Why Do Children Learn the Art of War During the Peace Process: Review...

On the day that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was en route to Washington to meet with President Bill Clinton to revive the peace process with the Palestinian Authority, the "Center for Monitoring the...

A Tribute to Archbishop Sambi, Reassigned from Jerusalem to Washington

This week, a special farewell ceremony was held in Jerusalem for Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Pope's ambassador in Israel, formally known as the Papal Nuncio. Archbishop Pietro Sambi has been reassigned as the Papal Nuncio...

Report on PA education illuminates anti-Jewish indoctrination

The recently published study “Israel, Jews, and Peace in Palestinian Authority Teachers’ Guides” by Dr. Arnon Groiss of the Center for Near East Policy Research showed that Palestinian teachers’ guides promote an attitude toward...

The Briefing on the Hill in Washington by Israel Resource News Agency and the...

A January 12,2005 briefing on Capitol Hill by Israel Resource News Agency, acting under the auspices of the Center for Near East Policy Research, drew 44 staffers of the US House International Relations Committee...

Tobias Petterson:Sweden’s responsibility: Stop extremism at UNRWA Schools

According to a new study from the Center for Near East Policy Research (CFNEPR), 240 textbooks used in the Palestinian refugee camps contain the message of violent extremism. The textbooks have been used in...

Israel, Jews and Peace in the Palestinian Authority’s Schoolbooks and Teachers’ Guides

“The teacher will tell a short story about our homeland Palestine: ‘My grandfather was living in a beautiful village in Haifa. He worked in agriculture, loved the land and guarded it. On...

Why the PLO Covenant Annulment Means Little

The high point of President Bill Clinton's middle east mission - his participation in the Palestine National Council meeting where he witnessed the PNC annulling the PLO Covenant by a voice vote - may...

The Report Is Out: A Look Behind the Curtain to EU Assistance to the...

(Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2021)--B’nai B’rith International has just published an essential report, pulling back the curtain on European Union (EU) assistance to the Palestinian Authority and other beneficiaries. The report, titled “Aligning Principles and...

Blaming Bibi, Ignoring Abbas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come in for what the New York Times calls an “unusually forceful and public condemnation” by President Barack Obama for his pre-election statement on March 16 “that there...