No peace education, no peace process

S President Donald Trump has passionately called for the renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority. In that context, he is preparing to release his “deal of the century” after the Israeli...

U.N. funding jihad propaganda in Palestinian schools

Cameras in classrooms expose 'death to Jews' curriculum WND has reported for more than 15 years Palestinian children are being taught in their schools and in media to hate Jews and to glorify violent jihad,...

Recent Video Shows Palestinian School Children Subjected to Anti-Israel Indoctrination

Palestinian children study a chapter of anti-Israel hatred in a YouTube video from the Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency. Overview 1. The Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency recently posted a video to its Facebook page entitled "The Palestinian...

Palestinian Elementary School Curriculum 2016–17: Radicalization and Revival of the PLO Program

The new Palestinian curriculum, which includes new textbooks for grades 1–4, is significantly more radical than previous curricula. To an even greater extent than the 2014–15 textbooks, the curriculum teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies...

Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority (PA): The Attitude to Jews, Israel and Peace

Executive Summary The present research covers the attitude to the Jewish-Israeli "other", and to the issue of peace with it, as expressed in the most updated schoolbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority for use in...

Support for hateful Palestinian textbooks undermines the antisemitism fight

After years of delay, the EU has finally released its much-anticipated report into the Palestinian Authority’s school curriculum which lifts the bonnet on the appalling material UK-funded teachers are delivering to Palestinian children day-in day-out.

Interview with David Bedein: UN Teaches Jihad in Jerusalem

( The Palestinian Authority continues to incite young schoolchildren to armed struggle against Israel in its textbooks - textbooks that are used by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to teach incitement...

The case for shuttering UNRWA schools’ doors closed…permanently

The US government decision to suspend funds to UNRWA schools until reforms take place in UNRWA has raised some eyebrows. Why did the US suspend funds to UNRWA in the first place? Since 1999, Hamas has...

What the Palestinian Authority Did Not Tell the UN Security Council

By Khaled Abu Toameh What the Palestinians did not tell the Security Council is that the state they seek to establish is one that does not respect public freedoms, first and foremost freedom of expression....

The Briefing on the Hill in Washington by Israel Resource News Agency and the...

A January 12,2005 briefing on Capitol Hill by Israel Resource News Agency, acting under the auspices of the Center for Near East Policy Research, drew 44 staffers of the US House International Relations Committee...