Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks


The New York Sun was virtually the only news outlet in North America to cover the scandal that the State Dept blocked the GAO from issuing is report on the PA and UNRWA school...

US gov’t fabrication​: ​that PA/UNRWA school books meet standards of peace education

1. Last July, our agency met with U.S. State Dept officials who supervise school books for the PA and UNRWA, who assured us that new PA/UNRWA school books will now reflect principles of peace,...

European leaders: Stop funding the Palestinian children’s anti-Semitic education

On the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, it seems like a good time to call on world leaders to do as you say. If you are truly committed to stopping anti-Semitism, STOP...

Recent Video Shows Palestinian School Children Subjected to Anti-Israel Indoctrination

Palestinian children study a chapter of anti-Israel hatred in a YouTube video from the Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency. Overview 1. The Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency recently posted a video to its Facebook page entitled "The Palestinian...

New UNRWA textbooks for Palestinians demonize Israel and Jews

New schoolbooks used in United Nations Relief and Works Agency schools in Gaza and the West Bank display extreme anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiments and no hope for peace in the region, according to a...

The Palestinian textbook problem

On what values does the Palestinian Authority and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school system raise and educate generations of students? Dr. Arnon Gross, formerly a senior Arabic language broadcaster at Voice...

UNRWA’s textbooks

Marcus Sheff’s “Time for UNRWA to face the truth about its textbooks” (Comment & Features, February 18) is correct in its findings that UNRWA books, supplied by the Palestinian Authority, indoctrinate the next generation...

Greenblatt and Kushner: Remove indoctrination before improving economics

The media universally reports that US Presidential envoys Kushner and Greenblatt are currently “expected to discuss only the economics of the Palestinian Authority at this time”. There is a danger that their singular focus on...

‘The Holocaust Is Justified’: What Syrian Refugees Learn in School

There are perhaps few better ways to gauge the probable socio-cultural attitudes of Syrian nationals currently between the ages of young adulthood and late middle-age regarding Jews and Judaism than by examining the content...

Points for Presentation: Israel, Jews and Peace In the Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks and Teachers’...

February 2020 Introduction Schoolbooks indicate the values which a society wishes to inculcate in the minds of its younger generation. When they are published by the government, they indicate its long-run intentions. Hence the importance...