Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks

Newest school books out, and they are worse

On December 26, 2017, The Center for Near East Policy Reserach with th the help of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, issued a comprehensive study...

Travesty of Palestinian education

The new school year kicked off in the Palestinian Authority last month, and it was business as usual. The authors of this year's textbooks have made sure to keep up their long tradition of...

Israel, Jews and Peace in PA Textbooks Now Used in UNRWA Schools

This paper updates a report titled "UNRWA's Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict". The said report, issued in September 2017, reviewed UNRWA's role in perpetuating the Middle East conflict, having used for...

UNRWA’s Message of Hate and Indoctrination

The education of Palestinian schoolchildren must change drastically if there is ever to be a lasting negotiated peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Why? Because these schools have been inciting three generations of young...

Please help break the US gov’t “classification” of the GAO study on PA/UNRWA text...

In 2016, The​ "Center for Near East Policy Research" commissioned translations of all PA texts used in UNRWA schools and presented its findings to the US Senate Near East Subcommittee and to the US...

The European Union Plays the Times of Israel for fools

“The EU does not fund PA textbooks and does not intend to do so,” a spokesperson for the EU delegation in Ramat Gan told the Times of Israel on Thursday. The EU delegation in Ramat...

Sponsors wanted to examine & present new Palestinian textbooks

This month (July 2018), the Palestinian Authority issues 30 new school books, to teach 11th and 12th grade students in the PA, Hamas, UNRWA and  Jerusalem Arab schools. The Center for Near East Policy Research...

In the Spirit of the Washington Summit- Remove Palestinian Weapons of Mass Instruction from Their Schools

When you  read the updated version of the "Peace to Prosperity" plan which U.S.President Trump presented last week, you find unprecedented criteria for the formation of a Palestinian State:  "The Palestinians shall have ended all...

For any chance at peace, the Palestinian education system must be overhauled

The U.S. “Peace to Prosperity” plan presented by President Donald Trump last week proposes unprecedented criteria for the formation of a Palestinian state. Among them is this one: “The Palestinians shall have ended all...

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)...