The Media, Israel, and Anti-Semitism (REVIEW) Sophocles said, “What people believe prevails over truth,” Pressing Israel: Media Bias Exposed from A-Z is ideal for the arm chair reader who would like a basic grasp of the terms used in the mainstream...

Op-Ed: Shattered Dreams and Harsh Realities

It is uncanny to read the dreams about our country’s future expressed by 16 prominent Israelis in 1994, soon after the Oslo Accords - while knowing the harsh reality of how they were shattered one by...

Extinguishing the Fires of Anti-Israel Agitation (REVIEW)

“Financing the Flames” is very troubling, but then that’s nothing new for an Edwin Black book since all of his works studiously reveal facts and unknown information that shocks and disrupts historical conventions. What is...

A Book Review: Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller “Jerusalem: The Biography Vintage Publishers

At first glance, Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller Jerusalem: The Biography is surely impressive. Media critics as well as Henry Kissinger have showered it with praise, and the BBC devoted a timely three-part TV...

In cooperation with, seeking Sponsors for film: JERUSALEM IS UNDER THREAT!

The Hurva: Destroyed by Arab Legion, 1948. Rebuilt by Israel, 2011 Who remembers? Between 1949 & 1967, Arabs outlawed all Jews from the Old City of Jerusalem, a policy which ended in 1967, when Israel...

Higher Education & Tolerance as Promoted by our Intended “Peace” Partners”¦writes Michael Kuttner A vital prerequisite for any meaningful and durable peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbours is a sustained effort to eliminate hate and delegitimisation, refrain from revisionist versions of history and educate present...

Data Base – key articles on US military aid to Pal Security Services

Israel Resource Review PSF file THE ABU MAZEN DEFENSE FORCES By Amit Cohen and Barak Ravid Maariv Jericho Sun Oct 15 2006 IU.S.-backed militia to include terrorists 'We'll attack Israel,' says member of American armed, trained 'unified force' PM...

Severe US Gov’t Comptroller Report: US Military Training of Palestinian Security Forces

The 2003 Roadmap for Peace process sponsored by the United States and other nations obligates the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Government of Israel to undertake security efforts as a necessary precursor for achieving the...

Gaza Rocket, Mortar Attacks Continue

Gaza terror organizations continued over the weekend to fire Kassam rockets and mortar shells on the western Negev communities. Nine rockets and 13 mortar shells were lobbed into Israeli territory on Saturday. Ten more...