PLO covenant - search results

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Report: UN Officials Inciting Murder of Jews, Call to “Stab Zionist Dogs”

GENEVA, October 16, 2015 – At least ten different UN staffers are using the imprimatur of their official positions to incite Palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks against Israeli Jews, with one calling on Facebook to “stab Zionist dogs,”...

Legacy of the Mufti and Hitler: The facts that are known

The titular leader of the Palestinian Arab community in the previous generation: Haj Amin Al Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, forged a pact with Adolf Hitler on November 28, 1941, one week before the...

Puritanically Radical, Radically Puritanical: Saudi Arabia’s Religious Cleansing Policy Expands Through ME

“ISIS and, through ISIS, Saudi Arabia has declared war on religious pluralism to impose its own dogmatic and bigoted interpretation of Islam in the Middle East. The real crime against humanity here is being...

Michael Oren sees a US alliance in tatters, and Israel ‘on our own’

Asked whether people might look back on this period as the last days before Israel was wiped out, the MK-diplomat-historian responds: ‘It’s happened before in history, hasn’t it?’ Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United...

Draft International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Anti-Semitism

Introduction and Initial Action Plan Clearly, and sadly, the issue of anti-Semitism has always been and remains a major recurring aspect in the international arena and narrative. While the phenomenon is universally researched, addressed, and condemned...

Palestinians, Arabs, and the Holocaust

INTRODUCTION One of the major Palestinian Arab arguments regarding the establishment of the state of Israel is that the West facilitated its founding out of guilt over the Holocaust. Palestinians insist that the Holocaust is...

Community Tu B’Shvat Seder

בס"ד Copyrighted material used with permission from A Person is Like a Tree: A Sourcebook for Tu BeShvat, by Yitzhak Buxbaum (Jason Aronson Inc.), available from (1) INTRODUCTION Tu B'Shvat is the New Year for the...

Guided by One Side of Israel: Mission led by Chief Rabbi of UK has...

Today, on Friday, January 16, 2015, the Mission of the Chief Rabbi of the UK is guided by Shaul Arieli, who has built his career on the advancement of the idea that the PLO...

Indiana Jones meets the Da Vinci Code

Islam watchers blogged all weekend about news that a secret archive of ancient Islamic texts had surfaced after 60 years of suppression. Andrew Higgins' Wall Street Journal report that the photographic record of Koranic...

Phantom Nation: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace, Volume I, II and...

Available at: Reviewed by Samantha Allie, Analyst, Center for Near East Policy Research, and David Bedein, Center director. This three volume work, written by Middle East scholar Shai Ben Tekoa, provides a unique opportunity for...