PLO covenant - search results

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The Six-Day War: An Inevitable Conflict

NOTE: This Perspective was originally published in the Summer 2017 issue of the Middle East Quarterly. It is part of a forthcoming BESA Center study on the Six-Day War that will be published to coincide with...

Israeli Middle East expert David Bedein: “Fatah cooperates with Hamas”

In an exclusive interview with JerusalemOnline, David Bedein, the head of the Center for Near East Policy Research, discussed the connections between Hamas and Fatah, which are highlighted in his recently published book titled:...

The Arab League remains in a full scale war with Israel

As the Arab League meets in Amman, Jordan, the media misses the most important story, which is that the Arab league remains is state of full scale war with Israel. When reporters focus on...

Washington, Wellington, Paris, New York, Ramallah and Gaza

What do all these names have in common?…asks Michael Kuttner.They are places where politicians have taken action which result in the encouragement, facilitation or promotion of terror against Israel and Israelis. Under the Obama Administration...

Avraham born again, remembering the Avrahams of our Legacy

This past week, Leora Bastiker, daughter of David and Sara Bedein gave birth to a boy, her first  child. (the fifth grandchild for David and Sara) The Brit covenant circumcision cerermony - which welcomed the...

Op-Ed: Israel should silence those who incite terrorist murders

I run one of the few news agencies and research centers in Israel that regularly interviews officials of Hamas, Fatah and NGO’s , who openly endorse the murder of Jews. Our films, which speak for themselves,...

All the noose that’s fit to print; Ask Israel to silence those who endorse...

I run one of the few news agencies and research centers in Israel that   regularly interviews officials of Hamas, Fatah and NGO’s , who openly endorse the murder of Jews. Our films which speak for...

The Palestinian Knife Campaign: A Policy of Limited Liability

Five months into the stabbing terror campaign, the Palestinian leadership keeps evaluating its costs and benefits to date and the prospects for its future. As described by Hirsh Goodman, the decision to embark on...

Report: Despite UNRWA Promises, Teachers Again Inciting to Violence Against “Jewish Apes and Pigs”

Above: UNRWA’s “Certificate of Ethics” for teacher who posts on Facebook that “Zionists and Jews” are “sons of apes and pigs.”  GENEVA, November 30, 2015 – Despite prior promises by UNRWA, the Palestinian relief agency, to put an end...

Setting the Record Straight: Hajj Amin and the Nazis

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Legacies of Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s work are still with us. The broadcasts of Radio Zeissen, the Mufti's propaganda station, resonate in the 1988 Hamas covenant, and indeed still reverberate throughout our region....