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Anti-Israel voices at AIPAC’s conference

The low point of the AIPAC policy conference came when Nancy Pelosi read a letter from J Street. The letter, officially authored by David Price and Gerry Connolly, urged opposing "unilateral actions by either...

Review of “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority” 

Journalist David Bedein, who runs the Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research, takes us inside the world of the Palestinian Authority, which Bedein has covered for the past...

New book documents Palestinian Authority’s history of terror

The Center for Near East Policy Research will hold an event tomorrow to launch a new book, “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority” by David Bedein (Behr Publishing House). The book documents the ties between the...

Knesset to take action against incitement in Arab schools

Chairman of the Knesset Education Committee, MK Yaakov Margi, issued a directive to the Education Ministry and the Jerusalem Department of Education, requiring them to provide precise documentation of the supervision and enforcement procedures...

Hearing of Committee on Foreign Affairs

February 2, 2017 Dear Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Thank you for affording me this opportunity to share my thoughts with this esteemed committee. This past year I was invited by friends involved in NORPAC...

What happened to President Trump and “Settlements”?

What suddenly happened to President Donald Trump and "Settlements"? The Israel Civil Administration, also known as COGAT,  got to the new President. COGAT does not think that Jewish communities are important to Judea, Samaria and Gaza. COGAT...

Storbritannien uppmanas att ompröva stödet till palestinska skolor som lär ut hat

Scener av unga palestinier som firar förra söndagens terrorattack i Jerusalem har lett till en uppmaning att Storbritannien skall ompröva sin finansiering av Västbanken och Gazas skolor som lär ut hat mot judar och...

Proposed Palestinian State: Compendium Of Background Articles

Proposed Palestinian State: Compendium Of Background Articles Articles by: David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron Suite 105-106 37 Hillel Street Jerusalem 94581 Israel Tel. 0547-222-661 Fax 02-623-6470   The "Kill and Run" Precedent of the New...

CNEPR remiss från den israeliska regeringen, November 2016

Jerusalem, November  10, 2016 Till den det berör. Jag vill berömma  Center for Near East Policy Research och dess chef, David Bedein, för den effektiva undersökande forskning om israelisk-palestinska relationer, med särskild betoning på frågor som...

CNEPR letter of referral from the Israeli government, November 2016

Jerusalem, November 10, 2016 To whom it may concern, I would like to commend the Center for Near East Policy Research and its director, Mr. David Bedein, for their prolific investigative research concerning Israeli-Palestinian relations, emphasizing...