UNRWA SCHOOLS - search results
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Revoke a License to Murder
A 45 year old American Israeli, Ari Fuld z"l came to my office 2 weeks ago, offering to contribute to our exposés of the PA/UNRWA "education."
Ari gave me a bracha (blessing) for success which...
Why Trump Was Right to End Funding for the UN Palestinian Aid Organization
Last week, the State Department announced that the Trump administration had concluded an internal review and decided to end all U.S. contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...
The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum Transparency Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congress has introduced a bipartisan bill to annually review whether educational resources used in Palestinian schools continue to encourage “violence or intolerance toward other nations or ethnic groups.”
The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum...
Questions from a student intern and answers provided by David Bedein
Some questions regarding parts of my paper:
How do Arab societies pit Palestinians against Jews?
1 The Arab States could easily absorb the Palestinian Arab population, instead of relegating them a life of indignity in refugee...
Text: Bill to Apply Standard Refugee Standards To Palestinians (no inherited status)
H. R. 6451
Initiated by Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
To establish the policy of the United States with respect to contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in...
Sponsorer önskas för att hjälpa oss undersöka och presentera årets nya palestinska läroböcker.
Den här månaden (juli 2018) publicerar den palestinska myndigheten 30 nya skolböcker för att undervisa 11: e och 12: e klass elever i PA, Hamas, UNRWA och Jerusalems arabiska skolor.
The Center for Near East...
Sponsors wanted to examine & present new Palestinian textbooks
This month (July 2018), the Palestinian Authority issues 30 new school books, to teach 11th and 12th grade students in the PA, Hamas, UNRWA and Jerusalem Arab schools.
The Center for Near East Policy Research...
“A Roadmap to Peace in the Middle East” by Dr. Michael A. Calvo
Extracts from the Book: The Middle East and World War III -Why No Peace? Foreword by Colonel Richard KEMP - CBE.
For a description and to buy online: http://bit.ly/michael-calvo
To fight what Pope Francis has called...
Clear one paragraph policy analysis: Reduction of funds to PA means that Arab states...
At a time when Israel, the US & Australia reduce funds from the PA because of their "pay to slay" policy, funds cut from the PA are replaced by Saudi Arabia, Qatar & other...
The Privileged Palestinian “Refugees”
No sooner had the Palestinian Arabs fled their homes during the 1948-49 war than they were taken under the protective wing of the international community and protected like no other group in similar circumstances....