UNRWA SCHOOLS - search results

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How the State Department Annually Perpetuates Palestinian Misery

Originally published under the title "America's Palestine Refugee Policy Is Insane." This exercise in repetition occurred in the wake of a war that again exposed UNRWA's unsavory and illegal activities, from being "shocked" that its...

As I See It: The ‘humanitarian’ weapon of war

In Britain’s House of Commons a week ago, a meeting I attended heard a shocking bill of indictment against UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency. UNRWA was set up in 1950, two years after...

Palestinian Human Rights Activist: Boycott of Israel “Big Hoax”

Blogger “Elder of Ziyon” published a translated interview with Palestinian human rights activist Bassam Eid yesterday. The interview with Eid was originally conducted in Hebrew by Ishai Friedman and was published on his blog. One...

Another U.N. scandal

The latest release of a documentary by the Israel Resource News Agency exposes the ongoing scandal of how UNRWA, the organization established to deal with Palestinian Arab refugees, continues to not only perpetuate the...

Terror Decentral

In the postmortems of the terrorist car attacks in Jerusalem, it is easy to see the writing on the wall. Ibrahim al-Akary, the terrorist who on Wednesday ran over crowds of people waiting to cross...

Rachel’s Tomb Hijacked

On the 11th of Heshvan, which this year falls on November 4, Jews observe the "yaarzeit" memorial for Rachel, the Biblical matriarch who bore Joseph and died in child birth as Benjamin was born. As...

An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

ALLAN I. MENDELSOHN WASHINGTON, D.C. August 18, 2014 The Honorable Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General, United Nations 700 United Nations Plaza New York, New York Dear Mr. Secretary General: As one who was a teen ager with nothing but the greatest of hopes...

Calls Grow for Probes and Defunding of Terror-linked UN Agencies

http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/item/19093-calls-grow-for-probes-and-defunding-of-terror-linked-un-agencies Outrage is still growing after a bipartisan coalition of U.S. lawmakers last month demanded an independent investigation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a UN outfit, over its controversial activities in...

Summer anti-Semitic Demonstrations

http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/behind-the-news-in-israel-david-bedein/summer-anti-semitic-demonstartions/2014/09/03/ The gate to an UNRWA facility in Gaza. Photo Credit: Wissam Nassar/FLASH90 During the summer of 2014, more than 100  synchronized  anti-Semitic demos occurred across the face of the earth.  As an MSW practitioner of community...

Report: Hamas Jihad fully controls UN agency for Palestinians refugees

http://www.worldtribune.com/2014/08/17/report-hamas-islamic-jihad-seized-control-un-agency-refugees-gaza/ Hamas and Islamic Jihad have effectively captured the United Nations agency to care for Palestinian refugees, a report said. The Center for Near East Policy Research asserted that Hamas and Jihad controlled the UN Refugee...