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Newly renewed, will UNRWA act in accordance with UN values?
Now that the UN General Assembly has granted a new lease on life to UNRWA, Will leading UNRWA donor nations - Germany, Japan, Canada, the UK, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, France...
UNRWA mandate renewal needs some reasonable conditions added
It is a foregone conclusion that the UN General Assembly will vote today, Friday, December 13th, to renew the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) mandate, which will...
Towards the UNRWA mandate renewal: Involve the UNRWA Donor Nations
It is a foregone conclusion that the UN General Assembly will vote to renew the UNRWA mandate this Friday, December 13th, which will once again confine descendants of Arab refugees from the 1948 war to...
To major UNRWA donor countries: What is being done with your money?
You, dear Arutz Sheva reader, can make a difference if you send this letter or a version of it, to the ten major donors to UNRWA. Information about those countries' representatives is below, following...
Concerne: Renouvellement du mandat de l’UNRWA cette semaine: Les donateurs peuvent réclamer des “conditions...
David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency at the Center for Near East Policy Research
Beit Agron, Jerusalem
Modèle de lettre à envoyer à chaque ambassadeur auprès de l'ONU par les principaux pays donateurs de l'UNRWA
(Liste ci-dessous: liste...
Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations
Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations
(List to follow: precise list of ambassadors)
June 2020
Dear Ambassador…
We are asking you, as a representative in the General Assembly of one of the ten donor...
Voice of UNRWA Judenrein: Mohammad Assaf
Last week, UNRWA “youth ast week, UNRWA “youth idol” Mohammad Assaf performed at the new Arab city of Rawabi to conduct a rally in honor of the new school year for 321,000 UNRWA students...
UNRWA’s ties with an affiliate of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (March 2019)
New information shows that UNRWA (as well as international organizations such as Islamic Relief Worldwide, IHH and Mercy Malaysia, is working in coordination with the Charitable Association For Palestinian Relief – CAPR.
Founded in 2004,...
UNRWA: An Issue of Neutrality and Accountability
"Oh I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll and I don't see that as a crime." Said Peter Hansen, the former Commissioner-General of UNRWA in an interview with Canada...
New report reveals UNRWA’s ties with front organization of Islamic Jihad
David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, calls on the Canadian government to halt funding designated for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...