Tag: Cities

Is Germany’s Foreign Ministry trying to sabotage relations with Israel?

Behind the scenes, in backrooms, and far from the official declarations of friendship and affinity, the German government is pursuing increasingly harsh anti-Israel measures. Beyond its regular funding of groups and activities that focus...

YouTube Enhances Hatred of Israel and Extinguishes Hate for Palestinians

Try this yourself (you don’t really need to as I just did it). Type in “I hate Israel” and “I hate Palestine” in the YouTube search bar and be amazed by the results. The search...

¿Por qué es importante traducir al alemán el contenido de los libros de texto...

La instigación alemana del asesinato en masa de judíos comenzó en el aula. Alemania, ahora un poder democrático en Europa con una política orientada a la paz en todo el mundo, es ahora el principal...

The Strategic Importance of Jerusalem

Introduction This memorandum analyzes Jerusalem’s importance from a strategic security perspective and its contribution to the survival of the Jewish state. 1  Jewish control of the hilltops in the Jerusalem area has major strategic implications for...

Realizing the gains of the Six Day War

The Existential Danger US Ambassador David Friedman’s recently released comments about the Deal of the Century peace plan (from his February speech at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) were quite a revelation. As one...

Taxpayer-Funded Charity Islamic Relief Embraces Violent Anti-Semitism (Again)

On May 3, Islamic Relief USA, the largest Islamic charity in the United States, and whose overseas branches are funded by the U.S. government, ran an event in partnership with the Muslim American Society featuring Omar...

The time to apply sovereignty is now

Let's start at the end – no party in the Israeli political system believes in or champions the notion of granting Israeli citizenship to every Palestinian living under the rule of the Palestinian Authority,...

1920 – The Year The `Conflict` Commenced

{Originally posted to the author’s website} The Arabs` conflict with Israel and Zionism did not begin with a supposed conquest and occupation in 1967 nor was in 1948, the year of the creation of the state...

Time to “get over it?”

Yom Hashoah, the annual commemoration of the Holocaust, takes place every year in Israel and elsewhere immediately after Passover. This year’s ceremonies will thanks to the coronavirus be somewhat different in that they will take...

The Allied Powers Holocaust: A Continuing Saga

PART ONE: OVERVIEW Israel faces diplomatic and political pressures of growing intensity which reinforce demands for concessions that would compromise its national security and even its ability to defend itself. These demands are stated as...