Tag: Cities

Legal status of apartments sub-leased from KKL in Jerusalem

In 1951 Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael (KKL) acquired leases for a period of 99 years for swaths of undeveloped land in Jerusalem from a number of churches who had purchased the land probably during the...

Double speak needs to be challenged

George Orwell hit the nail on the head when he stated: “The further society drifts from truth the more it will hate those that speak it”…writes Michael Kuttner. We are these days facing an epidemic of...

Should President Trump, like President Obama, forsake human rights in pursuit of the deal...

In the biblical narrative, King Solomon, described as the wisest of men, was confronted by two women who shared a house. They each claimed to be the mother of an infant boy while insisting...

“Déjà vu”: Gaza: David Bedein “Where Terror Rules” | September 7, 2005

Ariel Sharon's government added a specific clause to the final version of the Disengagement Plan, a plan that was ratified by the Israeli government on June 6th, 2004 after an earlier version had been rejected by Sharon’s...

Gaza scams continue aided and abetted by UN

One of the longest running fraudulent schemes in recent times must surely be the continuing international funding of the terrorist entity known as Gaza…writes Michael Kuttner. Sometimes described by observers as an appendix, this inflamed...

Newest UNRWA School books presented for the first time… at the Swedish Parliament

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), fostered in 1948 to aid more than half a million Arabs refugees who left their homes in during Israel War of Independence, today serves more than...

Mama Mia…writes Michael Kuttner

We have just returned from a most relaxing vacation in Lake Garda, Northern Italy…writes Michael Kuttner. The distance from Israel to Italy is relatively short and a quick four-hour flight is no bother at all....

Swedish Minister to PA Arabs: We will fight with you and for you

Sweden’s foreign minister told Palestinian Arabs that her country will “fight with you and for you,” prompting pro-Israel activists to accuse her of encouraging violence against Israelis. Margot Wallstrom, whom Israel has accused of pursuing...

No Cease Fire on the Middle East Agenda

In the current conflagration between Israel and Gaza, news agencies mistakenly report that the a “cease fire” is being discussed with Hamas, such as the “cease fire” that resulted in the armistice that ended...

Why Is Hamas So Interested in Palestinian Deaths?

Hamas defined the day of violent clashes at Israel’s border with Gaza on May 14, 2018, during which some 59 Palestinians were claimed to have been killed, as proof of a victory for jihad and...