Michael Kuttner


Preventable and predictable

When tragedy strikes the often-heard explanation is that it was “an act of God” and therefore unforeseen and beyond the ability of humans to...

How many times can one be fooled?

Spoiler alert: If you are averse to politically incorrect thoughts it might be a good idea to stop reading. The insanity which prevails among so-called...

No way to go, Joe

It was always a given that the Biden Administration would revert to Obama’s failed foreign policies. The only question has been how fast it would...

The longest surviving plague

Yom Hashoah is commemorated after Passover and on the Hebrew date of the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. It is highly symbolic and appropriate...

Mirror, mirror on the wall

“Mirror mirror on the wall Please can you differentiate Between real and fake Among them all.” This apt quote sums up the surreal circumstances we find ourselves facing...

From slavery to sovereignty

As we sit around the Seder table this year it will be an ideal opportunity to reflect on the real reason we are celebrating. It...

Time to start polishing the crystal ball

With elections pending (again) and other developments which impact Israel, this would seem to be a propitious time to dust off the old crystal...

Liar, liar pants on fire

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.” It’s not only the quantity of lies...

After the party is over

The face masks have been taken off, the fancy dress costumes have been stored away and once again we are back to the real...

Time to sober up

On Shabbat Zachor we reminded ourselves again about the agenda of the Biblical Amalekites and on Purim we celebrate our escape from Persian genocidal...