Michael Kuttner
One quote and two definitions of “charades” sum up more than adequately the Mickey Mouse situation we are currently confronted with.
Quote: “your words mean nothing...
Anniversary blues
Anniversaries usually come in two varieties, either commemorating happy or sad occasions.
Unfortunately given the sad realities of Jewish history over the last two thousand...
Quote: “History never repeats itself – Man always does.” (Voltaire)
Jews have through the generations collectively laid great emphasis on remembering and commemorating events which helped to shape their survival. Almost every religious festival...
Differing perspectives
It is extremely interesting to see how people living in different countries prioritize situations and events.
These thoughts came to mind especially at this time...
Worthless words and shameful silence
The unfolding tragedy now enveloping the Kurds, recent massacres of the Yazidis and current persecution of Christians & Bahai’s should be a stark reminder...
There is a chill in the air
We are now into autumn (fall if you are an American) and in our part of the Promised Land in the hills of Judea,...
Decision time
The ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are a time for making decisions.
We have this period of time whereby we can either...
Murky horizons
Change is in the air, from politics to the weather and of course as we transition from the outgoing year to the uncertainties of...
Take the next exit
The election GPS app has spoken but unfortunately, at this stage, the current driver is ignoring its instructions.
Polling is over, counting of special votes...
Toss of the coin
Mercifully we are heading down the straight towards the finishing line on 17 September at which time citizens will need to make an informed...