Michael Kuttner


Carrots or sticks

Definition: a policy of offering a combination of reward and punishment to induce good behaviour. This motivational theory has been used by parents for generations...

Enough already

Anonymous quote: “There is a time to be nice and there is a time to say enough already.” For seventy-one years Israel has been the...

Scam alert

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten and the lie became the truth” – George Orwell 1984. As we celebrate Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day)...

Repeats, reruns and recycled

History repeats itself in almost every generation. The same endless assertions and accusations are rerun and recycled by politicians and media alike. One would have...

What’s in it for us?

Anyone who has shopped at or toured around the famous Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem, commonly known as the “shuk”, will recall the cacophony...

Beware of the small print

Most of us know that it is the small print which very often determines the real meaning and intent of any document or political...

Intolerable insanity

If your country was bombarded by over seven hundred missiles would you expect universal world condemnation or calls for restraint and diplomacy? Once again like...

Pain and joy – tragedy and triumph

Like so many times in our people’s long journey, from a small family in pagan surroundings through exile and slavery to liberation and the...

Fact or Fiction?

Who would have thought that a mere seventy-four years after the Holocaust, large numbers of people in many countries would either be ignorant of...

Deal of the century

As Jews worldwide gather to commemorate their ancestors’ deliverance from bondage it is only appropriate that we contemplate exactly what it is we are...