Michael Kuttner


The floodgates open…writes Michael Kuttner

It was inevitable that sooner rather than later, the chickens released by the European Union’s open borders would come home to roost with a...

UNRWA in the spotlight again

A Knesset briefing to discuss the funding of UNRWA by donor nations, including Australia & New Zealand, which fuels ongoing hate education and incitement,...

Alternative opportunities….writes Michael Kuttner

“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long you miss them.” This quote by William Arthur Ward, American author and motivational speaker, succinctly sums...

Parting is such sweet sorrow…writes Michael Kuttner

Unlike Shakespeare’s words from Romeo and Juliet the partings which have taken place recently and others which are bound to occur contain a mixture...

State of the Union

By the time you read this, the results of the British referendum will be known…writes Michael Kuttner. Whether the UK remains or exits the European...

Hate education for Palestinian children…partly financed by Australia

The latest in a series of videos exposing hate education in United Nations Relief and Works Agency schools has been released. Produced by the Center...

Return and renewal

As I write these lines Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for Fallen soldiers and terror victims) is concluding…says Michael Kuttner. It is a day to remember...

Never again?…writes Michael Kuttner

Who in their wildest dreams could have imagined as the horrors of the Shoah were exposed in 1945 that a mere seventy-one years later...

Resetting the GPS…writes Michael Kuttner

Once upon a time not so long ago when planning to travel from home to one’s destination it was necessary to consult maps in...

Keeping afloat in a sea of delegitimization

The endless lava flow of anti Israel/Jewish activities continues to erupt with volcanic force…writes Michael Kuttner. In academia, media and international forums the toxic effects...