Michael Kuttner


Keeping afloat in a sea of delegitimization

The endless lava flow of anti Israel/Jewish activities continues to erupt with volcanic force…writes Michael Kuttner. In academia, media and international forums the toxic effects...

Foot in Mouth epidemic

“If you keep your mouth shut you will never put your foot in it.” This quote came to mind in a week which has witnessed...

Purim shpiel…writes Michael Kuttner

At this time of the year as Jews worldwide celebrate the deliverance of the ancient Persian Jewish Community from the threat of genocide, one...

Timing is indeed crucial…writes Michael Kuttner

Momentous events in our recent past and also today are more often than not determined by timing. A reader in a feedback recently stated that...

Ignorance is not bliss…writes Michael Kuttner

Benjamin Franklin said it best when he stated: “We are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid.” This quote came to...

Holocaust black holes…writes Michael Kuttner

As the number of Shoah survivors able to personally bear witness to the horrors they experienced decreases, the challenge is to ensure that future...

May the force be with you…writes Michael Kuttner

This week has seen the release of the latest Star Wars movie in many countries, including Israel, where because of the time difference, fans...

UNRWA unmasked at the Knesset

The Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) was the venue on 20 December 2015 for an important forum devoted to learning exactly what goes on behind the...

You couldn’t make this up…writes Michael Kuttner

Very often events occur which verge on or cross over into the unbelievable or the realm of apparent fiction. I discovered many years ago that...

Radicalised by climate change?

What motivation lies behind the current wave of terror attacks? Is terror in Europe different to that occurring in Israel? Are European, American, Nigerian and British...