​Center for Near East Policy Research

7856 POSTS

Missing in action

Celebrations are an ideal opportunity for friends to gather and join in showing solidarity and friendship…writes Michael Kuttner. We stand poised to commemorate one hundred...

The Impact of Academic Boycotters of Israel on U.S. Campuses

Coordinated internationally by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), the academic boycott of Israel calls for college and...

“… but Names Will Never Hurt Me.” Yes, They Can (especially when we...

For the second time in a month, Israeli blogger Yisrael Medad weighed in this week on the damaging consequences to us of the media...

“FoxTrot”: Blood Libel

Jerusalem Post Film critic Hannah Brown went over her head in responding to Samuel Moaz’s movie Foxtrot. http://www.jpost.com/Magazine/The-dangerous-dance-of-Foxtrot-critics-Does-it-deserve-resentment-507821 There is a line between artistic license and...

German journalist to be jailed for publicizing Mufti-Hitler connection

Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkktEjUy_MQ http://en.mida.org.il/2017/09/18/fighting-white-supremacists-white-washing-islamic-supremacists/ https://www.document.dk/2017/10/22/germany-full-censorship-now-official/ https://www.politicsforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=170809 https://www.infowars.com/germany-journalist-gets-6-month-suspended-sentence-for-criticising-islam/

Euestion raised about UNRWA at White House Press Conference

Dr. Harper White House Press Question To General Kelly October 12, 2017 regarding U.S. tax dollars to UNESCO and UNRWA that have an anti...

A response to the interview with the head of J Street and their briefing...

"A response to the interview with the head of J Street and their briefing booklet on this website, at http://israelbehindthenews.com/?s=yael Student, Hesder Yeshivat Beit Orot. USA...

Harvey Weinstein: Another Perpsective

The hypocrisy of this “piling on,” this turning on Harvey Weinstein by former friends and others, is despicable. What is he guilty of in...

Anti-semitic material in UK funded UNRWA school text books

Dear Department for International Development, This report claims that UNRWA funded text books make comments that are blatantly anti-semitic: The study also points out that the...