​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

The Holy Jewish Home

Following the loss and destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 C.E., Rabbis decided the Jewish home should be a...

Keeping Our Cool with Saudi Arabia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In view of Saudi Arabia’s deep concern over Iran’s ascendancy, Israel is presented with a unique opportunity to dictate terms of engagement...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 4 – 10, 2020)

This past week the Gaza Strip was relatively quiet. So far it is not known if the return marches will resume on March 30...

Palestinska läroböcker firar fortfarande terrorister och barnen lär sig matematik genom att räkna terrorister

Det vi tydligt kan se i skolböckerna är starka bevis av agendan genom hatuppvigling: Nioåriga barn får lära sig matte genom att ADDERA IHOP ANTALET...

Incitement to Return – Short


Analysis – Can Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO be Considered as Partners for...

Mahmoud Abbas reacted swiftly and clearly. Immediately following President Donald Trump’s presentation of the American “Peace to Prosperity” plan on January 28, he stated...

The End of Building Freezes in the Jerusalem Area

There are two strategic building plans for Jerusalem. Givat Hamatos, which is only 300 meters from the Green Line, will prevent the possibility of...
The Azadi Tower in Tehran, Iran's capital city

Echo of the Holocaust in Iran

Iranian leadership in responding to criticisms of its program to acquire nuclear weapons, sounded much like Hitler when they proclaimed, “Israel must be wiped...

Translating to German- why?

At precisely the same time that UNRWA has adopted a radical curriculum for UNRWA schools in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem, with new texts...

Remembering Purim 1953 when a Haman of our era collapsed and died 4 days...

Russia became increasingly antisemitic after 1948. Assassinations of leading Jewish writers, show trials and large scale antisemitic plans followed, including the so called Prague "Slansky...