Типовое письмо для направления послам стран-доноров БАПОР

(Следующий список: точный список послов) Июнь 2020 года Уважаемый Посол… Мы просим Вас, как представителя в Генеральной Ассамблее одной из десяти стран-доноров, которые вносят наибольший вклад в БАПОР, рассмотреть вопрос о том, чтобы условия обязательной прозрачности стали...

This is the time to disarm UNRWA refugee camps to save lives

May 14th 2021 Dr. Darko Mocibob Deputy Director Middle East And West Asia Division Dept. of Political Affairs The UNITED NATIONS mocibob@un.org cc Rabbi Abraham Cooper Associate Dean  Simon Wiesenthal Center acooper@wiesenthal.com Dear Dr. Mocibob, Our professional journalists, based in Gaza, report that missiles launched at all...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – May 16, 2021

Behind the scene with David Bedein - May 16, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJmE3A9hgNo

Upgrading UNRWA Investigations: Creating a Multilingual Studio

The next stage of ​The Nahum Bedein Center's ​UNRWA ​investigation​s ​will document UNRWA ​culture​,  ​and ​work with television crews ​on location in UNRWA facilities which in ​​Judea​, ​​Samaria, Jerusalem and Gaza, ​working with a new central studio in Jerusalem. ​UNRWA​.org promotes UNRWA culture.​ UNRWA.org​ promotes children...

 An appeal to the UN Secretary General: Disarm UNRWA refugee camps to save lives

Mayy 11th 2021 Dr. Darko Mocibob Deputy Director Middle East And West Asia Division Dept. of Political Affairs The UNITED NATIONS mocibob@un.org cc Rabbi Abraham Cooper Associate Dean Simon Wiesenthal Center acooper@wiesenthal.com Dear Dr. Mocibob, Our professionals, based in Gaza. report that missiles launched at all parts...

UNRWA Statement indicates that have facilities apparently adjacent to targets

On 11 and 12 May 2021 two United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) schools were hit within the context of airstrikes by Israel on Gaza, causing extensive damage...

Refugee camps in Gaza fired more than 130 rounds of missiles at Jewish communities...

In that context: UNRWA donor nations** may wish to consider… Cancel the new UNRWA war curriculum, based on Jihad, martyrdom and the “right of return by force of arms”, which have no place in...

Reminder (via zoom) UNRWA policy briefing for US Congressional Staff: May 11, 2021

https://israelbehindthenews.com/2021/05/07/policy-briefing-for-congressional-staff-unrwa-fact-vs-fiction-countering-disinformation-and-helping-palestinians/ (via zoom) UNRWA policy briefing for US Congressional Staff: May 11, 2021 UNRWA Fact vs Fiction: Countering Disinformation and Helping Palestinians Tuesday May 11, 2021 at 1:30pm EST As Congress considers the Administration’s request for renewed UNRWA funding, you are invited...

Israel, judar och fred i texter som används av UNRWA-skolor

Vid en tidpunkt då UNRWA-utbildning diskuteras allmänt har Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research genom Dr. Arnon Groiss * sammanfattat sin 20-åriga studie av alla 1000 skolböcker som den palestinska myndigheten använt under...