Amazing that UNRWA can say this with a straight face

The most recent report of the Commissioner-General of UNRWA to the UN, covering 2013, includes this head-scratcher of a line: "The situation also affected the 1.9 million registered Palestine refugees in the State of Palestine." So...

Brazil’s admission to the Advisory Commission of UNRWA

The United Nations General Assembly has decided, by Resolution 69/86, to admit Brazil as a member of the Advisory Commission of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

One for the Gunness Book of Records: The myth of an UNRWA policy of...

“We Are Returning Returning, returning, we are returning Borders shall not exist, nor citadels and fortresses Cry out, O those who have left: We are returning Returning to the homes, to the valleys, to the mountains Under the flag of...

UNRWA Expands Refugee Status To Pets, Furniture

Jerusalem, December 19 – The United Nations agency tasked with caring for the descendants of Arab refugees from the 1948 war over Israel’s creation has broadened its unique definition of “refugee” to include the...

Legislators who Fund UNRWA Confronted with Reality of… UNRWA Education for War

11 December 2014   To: Ms. Imogen Atkinson Office of David Burrowes MP, Member of Parliament for Enfield Southgate From: David Bedein, Director, Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research Thank you for your kind...

“Perpetuating Statelessness” – UNRWA its activities and funding

Eve Swabe, Tony Etherton, Tanya Warburg and Helene Briskman of the B’nai B’rith London Bureau of International Affairs recently attended an event at Portcullis House, organised by the Henry Jackson Society in conjunction with...


As I mentioned last week, UNRWA’s Chris Gunness had a Twitter meltdown over a reasoned, thoughtful op-ed piece by Bassam Eid in the Jerusalem Post, going on full attack mode by trying to smer...

As I See It: The ‘humanitarian’ weapon of war

In Britain’s House of Commons a week ago, a meeting I attended heard a shocking bill of indictment against UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency. UNRWA was set up in 1950, two years after...

Fisking an UNRWA hack on Twitter in real time

n 2012, Jennifer Rubin reported in WaPo: Early last year set up a D.C. “liaison” office. With whom is it liaisoning? Mostly Congress, it turns out. U.S. law forbids the United Nations from lobbying...

Palestinian human rights activist implores Malala: No money to Hamas, UNRWA

Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid is asking Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai to keep her promise to share her award money with the children of the Gaza Strip but to prevent the...