From DeNazification to DeHamasification

The seeds of indoctrination and incitement are planted from a very young age, from cradle to grave, which fuel violence in our region, particularly within jihadist Islam. To counter this, it is essential to halt...

Mainstream Jewish Organizations Poised to Betray Israel By Attacking David Friedman Appointment As US...

Friends, Israel on Friday received a huge dose of treachery from President Obama. In his parting days he couldn't resist yet another expression of animus toward Israel by declining to veto an anti-Israel UN Security...

Bedein vs. Palestinian Authority: ‘First entity in the world to endorse murder of Jews’

David Bedein, Director of the Israel Resource news agency at the Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, has a strong message for the new right wing Israeli government to be very careful...

Dov Weissglass – “Consiglieri” of the State of Israel

He despises the Chief of the General Staff, doesn't appreciate the head of the Israeli Security Agency and his comments about the Head of Intelligence Directorate are not fit for print. While the heads of...

YouTube Enhances Hatred of Israel and Extinguishes Hate for Palestinians

Try this yourself (you don’t really need to as I just did it). Type in “I hate Israel” and “I hate Palestine” in the YouTube search bar and be amazed by the results. The search...

MFAT officials justify NZ-funded hate to minister

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act by the Israel Institute of New Zealand show that, for the first time ever, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) briefed the minister about hate and...

The Former US Ambassador to Israel Who Can’t Get Basic Facts Right

(Moshe Phillips is a commentator on Jewish affairs whose writings appear regularly in the American and Israeli press.) Martin Indyk has spent his entire professional life immersed in the Arab-Israeli conflict, holding prominent positions in...

Gaza’s Not the Key, Philadelphi Is # The Second Hamas-Israel War, of November 10 to 21, inspired a mighty debate over rights and wrongs, with each side appealing to the large undecided bloc (19 percent of Americans according to CNN/ORC,...

Looking Back At 1948-Colonel Mordechai Baron Reflects on the Roots of the Arab refugee...

In Jerusalem on July 29th, I met with Colonel Mordachi Ba-Ron now 84, to discover the roots of the Arab refugee issue. Mr Ba-Ron was a platoon and company commander in the Givatti Brigade...