Weekly Commentary: Will Israeli Leadership Leverage Russian Invasion For Dramatic Changes

Weekly Commentary: Will Israeli Leadership Leverage Russian Invasion For Dramatic Changes Dr. Aaron Lerner 27 February 2022 Pretty much every talking head broadcast in Israel since Russia launched its invasion of the Ukraine has mentioned that we Israelis...

Four Facts That Everyone Should Know About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/06/26/four-facts-that-everyone-should-know-about-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict/ A Haganah member and others during Israel's War of Independence. Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Most Westerners, including many Jews, are unaware of four fundamental facts about the Jewish homeland of Israel that would...

The Mountain Ridge Will Save Tel Aviv from Ecological Disaster

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Most of the talk about the ravages of last month’s floods in Israel’s coastal cities concerns the responsibility of state authorities that failed to invest sufficiently in infrastructure development. But that is...

Four questions about the opponents of judicial reform

There is no reason to impugn the integrity of the vast majority of those who demonstrated against reforms to the Israeli Supreme Court. At the same time, most people do not know that there are...

A warning before it is too late

Americans for Peace Now, The New Israel Fund, The Israel Policy Forum, J Street, the Foundation for Middle East Peace and Rabbis for Human Rights spread a vile rumor that Jews from Judea and...

From Israel: National Tragedies, Multiplied Pain!!

Before I turn to the national tragedy that will be a major focus of this posting, I want to call the attention of my readers to a terror attack that took place yesterday (Sunday)...

President Zelensky – we cannot forfeit our ability to evacuate the Jews of Russia

President Zelensky - we cannot forfeit our ability to evacuate the Jews of Russia Dr. Aaron Lerner March 20, 2022 President Zelensky, you, more than anyone, understand and appreciate the real and present danger that the Jews of...

The Six Day Miracle 50 years ago – June 6, 1967

Dear Friends, Today, exactly 50 years ago, when the Six Day War began, Divine Providence marched hand in hand with the bravery of the Jewish People. I have received many requests to reprint this article...

Second Front Opens in the Sunni-Shia War

http://www.meforum.org/4728/second-front-opens-in-the-sunni-shia-war The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) organization swept into the city of Mosul in western Iraq last week. No one has any right to be surprised. ‬ ISIL has held a large...