UNRWA’s Jihad against Israel (Part Two)

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East or “UNRWA was nurtured from its beginnings to avoid any permanent solution to the plight of the refugees” from Israel’s 1948...

The Radicalization of the Israeli Arabs

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies is an independent, non-partisan think tank conducting policy-relevant research on Middle Eastern and global strategic affairs, particularly as they relate to the national security and foreign policy of Israel and...

Dr. Groiss responds to Haaretz

Dr. Assaf David, head of the Israeli Forum for Regional Thinking, has published an article in Haaretz, Aug 10, 2021, in which he reviews the recent report by the German Georg Eckert Institute (GEI)...

Ben & Jerry’s founders speak out on Israel boycott, say they’re ‘men of principle’

American-Israeli professor of international law Eugene Kontorovich explains the legal repercussions Ben & Jerry's could face after boycotting sales in Israel.

Palestinians rewrite history, part of a program to refute the Jewish narrative in order...

On June 29 and 30, 2021, the Ramallah branch of the al-Quds Open University1 held a conference sponsored by Mahmoud Abbas. It was the first conference on "The Zionist Narrative Between Deconstruction and Destructuring," part of...

Report: UN Teachers Celebrate Deaths of Israelis

The UN agency that runs schools and social services for Palestinians is facing calls to fire employees using social media to celebrate attacks on Israelis and promote anti-Jewish hatred. Over 100 UNRWA educators and staff have...

Peace Watch

PEACE WATCH functioned 1993- 2000, monitoring Oslo peace process implementation PEACE WATCH documents relevant 2021: Oslo Process guides all middle east policies. See the documents  

The Recent Discovery of Heinrich Himmler’s Telegram of November 2, 1943, the Anniversary of...

On March 29, 2017, the blog of the National Library of Israel announced the discovery of SS Commander Heinrich Himmler’s telegram to Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem.1 Although the telegram was not dated, there...

Inaction invites inevitable ramifications

Kicking the can down the road is a popular ploy of politicians. Inevitably the unsolved problems will sooner rather than later rear their ugly heads and confront decision-makers with greater and direr consequences. Most times...

Which promised land?

The Fourth of July anniversary this week has turned out to be a somewhat more auspicious time for soul searching among many Jews than has been the case in past years. Michael Kuttner This national holiday...