What is it that woke folk smoke?

If truth be known woke folk don’t need to smoke anything in order to vilify Israel and by extension, Jews. Their knee jerk reactions to each and every action Israel takes to safeguard the lives...

The Gaza Rocket Attack on Israel: The Neighbors Smell Weakness

On the night of April 23-24, terrorists fired 36 rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip. This attack was not a single incident that can be defined as an accidental launch error and certainly...

Escalation in the Gaza Strip – Operation Guardian of the Walls

Overview Operation Guardian of the Walls entered its tenth day. As of 07:00 in the morning on May 19, 2021, 3,750 rockets had been fired at Israel. About 550 of them fell inside the Gaza...

Criticism of UNRWA – is Switzerland paying for Hamas rockets?

Hamas missiles are intercepted by anti-missile missiles over Israel. As soon as an enemy missile approaches, the Israelis fire defensive missiles into the air. Israel under constant fire: over 3,100 rockets were fired from the Gaza...

For Hamas, a cease-fire is really anything but

The current “cease fire” proposal now discussed in Gaza is anything but a cease fire. Indeed, a real “cease fire” might result in the kind of armistice that ended hostilities in World War I, on the 11th...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – May 16, 2021

Behind the scene with David Bedein - May 16, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJmE3A9hgNo

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (May 5 – 11, 2021)

Events in east Jerusalem: This past week hostilities in east Jerusalem escalated, peaking on May 10, 2021, when Israel celebrated Jerusalem Day. Once the violence and rioting had begun, the Palestinian terrorist organizations...

 An appeal to the UN Secretary General: Disarm UNRWA refugee camps to save lives

Mayy 11th 2021 Dr. Darko Mocibob Deputy Director Middle East And West Asia Division Dept. of Political Affairs The UNITED NATIONS mocibob@un.org cc Rabbi Abraham Cooper Associate Dean Simon Wiesenthal Center acooper@wiesenthal.com Dear Dr. Mocibob, Our professionals, based in Gaza. report that missiles launched at all parts...