Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Subject: Excerpts of Letter to PM NETANYAHU from SHMUEL (ZANGY) MEIDAD .- https://honenu.org/about-us/ Following is the translation of a letter which Shmuel Meidad (Zangy) , head of Honenu, sent to PM Netanyahu a...

Are Israel’s leaders waiting for dead children in Sderot?

Narrative tradition dictates that an incendiary balloon prepared in the first act will always explode in the third. So the question is not where one of the bomb balloons sent from Gaza will explode,...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 14-8, 2020)

This past week as well no return march was held in the Gaza Strip. Several dozen Palestinian demonstrators gathered near the border fence in two locations. No exceptional events were reported. This past week the...

Removing a Prime Obstacle to Middle East Peace

The Trump administration was more than justified in ending U.S. support for the UN Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) last year. American taxpayers had been shelling out $360 million a year (by...

Will we ever learn?

The long-overdue dispatch to “martyrs paradise” of one of the world’s leading plotters and purveyors of terror has unleashed a not unexpected avalanche of hypocritical hysteria. Instead of widespread commendation that a man responsible for...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 1 –7, 2020)

In the days after the killing of Qassem Soleimani the Gaza Strip has been almost completely quiet. The London-based newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat reported that senior Hamas figures made it clear to Egypt that they...

Kuwaiti Cash Fuels a Surge of Misleading U.S. Media Coverage

A business executive accused of financial crimes in Kuwait is getting support from an all-star cast of famous Americans, including a son of the U.S. president who liberated the Gulf nation and several of...

Erdoğan’s ‘quiet jihad’

Palestinian Authority officials are calling the gift the Turkish government gave them a few years ago “the treasure.” The trove comprises 140,000 pages of carefully arranged microfilm that could have a dramatic effect on...

‘Replace Hatred with Hebrew in the Palestinian Curriculum if You Want them to Succeed’

Jerusalem is looking to become a model for co-existence by helping the Arab residents integrate into the workforce.  How will they do it? By replacing the hatred in Palestinian Authority schoolbooks with Hebrew. The international...

Keep the PFLP on the EU Terror List

Since placing the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) on its terrorist list in June 2002, the European Union (EU) has been subjected to sustained pressure to revoke its decision. The push...