Mahmoud Abbas can’t meet Israel’s basic requirement for peace

At an Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of Israel’s desire for peace with the Palestinians. “Peace will be based on the principle of two states for two peoples,”...

Questions that Jews could ask Abbas in New York today This morning, Palestinian Authority foreign minister Riad Malki announced that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas will meet Jewish community representatives in New York. That meeting could provide an opportunity for Jews to ask probing questions of...

Restoring Israel’s Rights: The Levy Report The Jewish people’s considerable rights to the land of Israel are founded upon several bases: Jews have been on the land for close to 4,000 years, most notably within eastern Jerusalem (where the Old City...

Palestinian Suffering Used to Demonize Israel Executive Summary: As long as Palestinians continue to serve as lightning rod against Jews, their supposed victimization reaffirming the latter’s millenarian demonization, Israel will never be allowed to defend itself. No sooner had Israel launched...

PA presents reform plan calling to increase anti-Israel incitement

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh presented a “Reforms Proposal” to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee’s (AHLC) biannual session last week in Brussels. The 40-page plan, a copy of which was obtained by Israel Hayom,...

Killer Watch: A New Oslo Peace Watch Organization

Killer Watch: Continuing Campaign to Monitor Killers Who Have Taken Refuge in Palestine Authority Thirty three murderers of more than one hundred Israeli citizens and at least nine American citizens have been awarded asylum inside...

Refusal to Recognize Israel Widespread on Palestinian TV

A report documenting hundreds of cases in which the Palestinian media broadcast messages indicating an unwillingness to recognize the state of Israel, even within the 1948 borders, was distributed yesterday by the Palestinian Media...

Bombs in Machaneh Yehudah and American Assuarances

The car bomb that exploded in Jerusalem's bustling Machane Yehudah marketplace on Friday morning found me in the city of Hebron, now under the rule of the Palestine Authority, only an hour south of...

The Habit of Hatred

Israel charges that the level of incitement in the Palestinian media and the education system is sowing the seeds of the next conflict If you look for it, you'll have no problem finding it --...

The Voice of Palestine: November 28 (afternoon) November 29 (morning)

Summary and Analysis VOP treated the idea of new elections in Israel somewhat diffidently, largely downplaying the possibility in the afternoon broadcasts of November 28 and incorporating news of the election law as the number...