List of Companies That Have Condemned Hamas’ Terrorist Attack on Israel

Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld tracks which companies have spoken out to condemn Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel, denounce antisemitism, and express support and solidarity with Israel.

‘Replace Hatred with Hebrew in the Palestinian Curriculum if You Want them to Succeed’

Jerusalem is looking to become a model for co-existence by helping the Arab residents integrate into the workforce.  How will they do it? By replacing the hatred in Palestinian Authority schoolbooks with Hebrew. The international...

Is There a Potential Conflict of Interests between Shimon Peres and the Operations and...

At a time when Shimon Peres is once again mentioned as a candidate to return to a senior position in the Israeli government, the time has come for the Ethics Committee of the Knesset...

‘Camp Jihad’: U.N.-Sponsored Camps Encourage Palestinian Kids to Destroy Israel Summer at United Nations-funded camps in Gaza and the northern West Bank include playing with parachutes, jumping on trampolines, and racing down inflatable slides. In between those kid-friendly activities, counselors convey belligerent, anti-Semitic lessons to...

How Israel lets the Palestinians get free power while taking over land

I have driven down the long, winding road between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim in the western Binyamin region countless times. It is one of the most beautiful routes in the country. This time, however,...

Arafat From Defender to Dictator. Part one of book summary

Arafat: From Defender to Dictator by Said Aburish Bloomsbury Publishers, London, 1998 Born August 24, 1929 in Cairo. Named Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al Qudua Al Husseini.(Muhammed Abdel Rahman-first name, Abdel Raouf - father's name,...

CAMP JIHAD”: NEW FILM SHOWS PALESTINIAN KIDS TRAINED FOR WAR IN UNRWA REFUGEE CAMPS,... A new film directed by David Bedein, a special correspondent for the Wininpeg Jewish Review shows that Palestinian children in summer camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) are being...

Biden ‘knowingly and unlawfully’ gave $1.5B that helped fund Hamas, other terror groups: suit

The Biden administration has “knowingly and unlawfully” provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank, allowing US tax dollars to “subsidize” Palestinian terror groups like Hamas, according to a lawsuit...

Bishop questions PA’s ‘pay to slay’ policy

AN Israeli authority on Palestinian textbooks has urged Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to follow her new stance on Palestinian “martyr” payments with a tough line on Palestinian Authority (PA) ­schoolbooks. Bishop wrote to PA Foreign...

Arafat’s Investments

December 22 (Bloomberg) -- In 35 years as Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat raised billions of dollars. He spent the fortune to wield power, to pay militants who attacked Israel and to invest in the...