Critics of Israel Silent as Arabs Starve Palestinians Radio silence reigns among Israel’s critics as Palestinians suffer brutality at the hands of pro-Assad forces in Syria. In the Palestinian refugee camp known as Yarmouk, near Damascus, residents are undergoing a campaign of...

FOLLOW UP QUESTION: PRESS STATEMENT: UNRWA calls for restraint as violence escalates in the...

From: Dr. Aaron LernerSent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 6:03 PMTo: Greetings, “We again call on the Israeli authorities to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they themselves have not personally committed.” What is the view of...

Disproportionate chutzpa – writes Michael Kuttner As predictable as day following night the reaction of the international community to Israel’s continuing search for the murderers of the three teenage students could have been anticipated. We were thus not disappointed or...

UK minister warns Palestinians on ‘problematic’ textbooks as EU renews UNRWA support

A Government minister has said she would “urge the Palestinian Authority to remove problematic content from its textbooks” after confirming the UK would be taking part in a pledging conference to commit funds for...

Official PA News Agency Threatens the US with “Rage” of the World Warns That...

With thanks to IMRA for locating this release. Gaza, April 7, 2002, Wafa, the Political Editor: We are at the doorstep of another massacre orchestrated by the war criminal Gen. Mofaz and his highly ranked staff,...

A Kerry Middle East Man: US troops to the Middle East?

Dr. Martin Indyk, who served two stints as ambassador to Israel, introduced himself to Israeli reporters who covered last week's Democratic National Convention as one of the key Middle East advisors to Democratic presidential...

Nazis ‘shipped arms to Palestinians’

British National Archives unveil presence of Nazi S.S. agents in Mandatory Palestine, working closely with Palestinian leaders Historical documents in Britain's National Archives in London show that Nazi Germany attempted to ship arms to Palestinian...

“Politically correct” Holocaust Denial?

This week, the Israeli government issued vehement denunciations of the conference convened by the Iranian government in Teheran to promote the denial of the mass murder of the Jews in World War II, in...

Syria and Iran Enhance Scientific Cooperation

Higher Education Ministry and Iranian Ministry for Science, Researches and Technology on Wednesday signed an agreement on cooperation in scientific research and cultural development. The Agreement provides for doing joint scientific researches between the two...

Israel’s Arabs’ Support Of Iran Creates Worries

Among the Arab citizens of Israel, who constitute more than 1 million Israeli citizens and more than 15 percent of Israel's population, there is a widespread support for Iran. This has begun to worry the...