Mohammed Assaf – UNRWA Goodwill & Peace Ambassador Sings For Terror

Mohammed Assaf, the 24 year old UNRWA resident who won the Arab Idol song competition has become an overnight and worldwide sensation. His victory song was entitled “Raise Your Keffiyah” a PLO anthem and...

Palestine Loves Saddam. The Palestinian Press Identifies with Iraq in Cartoons

I. Introduction When four U.S. soldiers were killed by an Iraqi suicide bomber, the Palestinian Authority decided it was time to act. The PA renamed the center of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 1 –7, 2020)

In the days after the killing of Qassem Soleimani the Gaza Strip has been almost completely quiet. The London-based newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat reported that senior Hamas figures made it clear to Egypt that they...

Black September, The PLO’s attempt to take over Jordan in 1970 The nature of the Arab purpose in Palestine was illumined, was indeed dramatised, by the clash between the terrorist organisations and the Jordanian government that began September 1970. Not an ideological confrontation nor the...

“Radwan and Me: A Personal Perspective of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation”

Summary Three weeks ago, this writer requested an interview with Radwan Abu Ayyash, the Chairman of Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (P.B.C.), in Ramallah. P.B.C. is the parent of Voice of Palestine radio and Palestine television in...

Tunnel vision…writes Michael Kuttner

Tunnels have been in the news recently. Whether it is underground structures designed to bring terror to Israelis, infrastructure dug deep into the earth providing revolutionary transport between cities or our “peace partners” losing their...

HELEN THOMAS REVEALS ALL IN PLAYBOY INTERVIEW- N0, SHE’S NOT NUDE,_SHE%E2%80%99S_NOT_NUDE David Hochman ‘s recent interview of Helen Thomas in Playboy Magazine is definitely worth a read. Thomas had to “resign” from Hearst Newspapers on June 7 after she was asked by Rabbi David Nesenoff in...

Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians

Much has been made of the Palestinian exodus of 1948. Yet during their decades of dispersal, the Palestinians have experienced no less traumatic ordeals at the hands of their Arab brothers. As early as...

Another Jewish father killed, another Arab murderer paid to slay

Yehuda Dimentman, a 25 year old Jew, married and the father of an infant, was murdered in a drive by shooting on Thursday evening, December 16th, 2021. In accordance with a Palestinian ordinance, anyone who...

Who Are the Palestinians?

Vol. 17, No. 21 Palestinian leaders claim that the Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite people who lived in the Land of Canaan before the Israelite tribes settled in it. What is the source...