Syrian Kurdish leader: “Peace is Obtainable by Supporting an Independent Kurdistan”

In an exclusive interview, Syrian Kurdish leader Sherkoh Abbas explained a novel idea for promoting peace between Israel and the Arab world. He argued that by establishing an independent Kurdistan, the Arab world will be...

Syrian Kurdish dissident: “Beware of the Saudis and Turks”

In an exclusive interview, Sherkoh Abbas, the head of the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria, warns the US government of the dangers posed by supporting Saudi Arabia and Turkey. He argued that the Kurds...

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Yazidi Leader: West to Blame for Our Genocide

In an exclusive interview, Yazidi leader Mirza Ismail discusses how the West has abandoned his people, who are on the verge of annihilation. Mirza Ismail, a Yazidi leader and chairperson of the Yazidi Human Rights...

Why has Iran wrecked its economy to fund war in Syria?

Estimates of Iran’s military expenditure in Syria vary from US$6 billion a year to US$15-US$20 billion a year. That includes US$4 billion of direct costs as well as subsidies for Hezbollah and other Iranian-controlled...

Hezbollah is preparing Syria as second battlefield against Israel

Hezbollah intends to wage its next war against Israel from deep within Syria, according to a report on a pro-Hezbollah news site last week. The report, found on the web site Ya Sour, quoted Hezbollah sources...

After the fight for Mosul, expect ISIS to take the war to US soil

When the U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief Obama directed American troops to lead the fight to liberate Mosul from the claws of the Islamic State, he bore the responsibility to prepare the American people for...

ICYMI – US Administration Blocks the US Congress on Syria over Iran fears

On Saturday Secretary Kerry participated in what he described as a 9-nation "brainstorming session" on Syria, which included Russian FM Lavrov and Iranian FM Zarif, which did not produce any agreement . On Sunday...

The United States, Syria, and Chemical Weapons: An Unfinished Symphony

Despite Syria’s repeated violations of Security Council Resolution 2118, including  use of chemical weapons, and the public and official recognition of these violations, the Obama administration continues to avoid any enforcement or any direct...

The Era of the Yom Kippur War: A Personal and Historical Reflection

Turning 60 two weeks ago, on the day that marked the 40th anniversary of my arrival in Israel, provided an appropriate pause for reflection. After all, there is the tradition that a Jew is reborn...

Hamas Expands Ops Abroad

Israel's intelligence community has determined that Hamas expanded its operations abroad in its war against the Jewish state. Officials said Hamas established cells in the Middle East and Europe in an effort to attack Israeli...